Friday, February 8, 2019

HitchFit- 50 and Fit after 20 Pound Weight Loss

I am so proud of today’s transformation story Debbie! Like many women in their late 40’s, she started experiencing the signs of menopause. Her body was changing in ways that made her uncomfortable and she was gaining weight quickly. She knew she had to do something to stop this spiral. She no longer recognized herself in pictures, and wanted to get back to a place where she felt strong an confident, even as her body went through these changes. She learned of Hitch Fit from a friend, but thought maybe she was too old, or too out of shape to have success with one of our online training plans. Well, she was wrong! She finally decided to give Hitch Fit a try, and knew that it was time to get on track with healthy choices. 12 weeks later, after turning 50 during the course of her transformation, Debbie lost 21 pounds and 10% body fat! She hoped that one day she would be a Hitch Fit transformation success story..and here she is!! I’m so proud of Debbie, who is continuing her journey with me online, so you haven’t seen the last of her! Way to go Debbie and way to represent for the 50 and Fit ladies!
Debbie’s Before and After 50 and Fit Weight Loss Stats: 
Starting weight: 166
Ending weight: 145
Starting body fat: 40%
Ending body fat: 30%

Debbie’s Story and Hitch Fit Review:
I spent the majority of my life never having to worry about my weight or what I ate and was able to stay fit and thin.  I didn’t even start exercising until my 30’s when I noticed I was gaining a little weight.  I was able to easily lose that weight just by working out a few times a week and making some minor food changes.  Fast forward to age 48, which was two years ago.  I started adding on some extra weight and I was noticing some weight gain in my abdomen, which I never had to worry about before.  This is when I started working out more through some exercise classes and tried making changes to my eating habits. I was seeing results and feeling good about my progress, and then I started approaching menopause, and everything I knew about my body was changing.  I was tired, sleeping at every opportunity, I was moody, I was eating whatever I wanted, and I was gaining weight at an alarming pace.  I gained 30 pounds in 4 months and was sporting an extra 6 inches around the waist.
So, I joined a gym again and was determined to make changes.  I started meal prepping and eating healthy – well mostly.  I still wasn’t willing to give up my eating out and meeting friends for “a drink”.  I just thought I would work out more to offset the calorie intake, or take lots of supplements that guarantee quick weight loss, which, yes, I fell victim to (don’t be that person).   I wasn’t gaining any more weight but I wasn’t losing weight either.  I saw the number when I got on the scale, I knew I was buying larger clothing, but I was still in denial about how I looked – until I saw a picture of myself taken with my dear friend – while we were out eating and drinking, of course.   I was in shock. I didn’t know that person.  I wanted the old me back and I realized at that point that I had to make some serious changes in my life.  I wasn’t about to give in to the notion that this is just what happens at middle age and there is nothing you can do about it. Keep reading.......

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