Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Guardian

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Secure in Christ from JoyceMeyer.org

Adapted from the resource The Confident Women Devotional - by Joyce Meyer
An addiction is something that controls people—something they feel they cannot do without or something they do to alleviate pain or pressure. It is what people run to when they are hurting or feel lonely.
It comes in many varieties, such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, shopping, eating, work—and, yes, even approval.
Like any addict, insecure people look for a “fix” when they get shaky. They need someone to reaffirm them and assure them everything is all right and they are acceptable.
When a person has an addiction, the things they are addicted to are on their mind most of the time. Therefore, if someone is an approval addict, they will have an abnormal concern and an abundance of thoughts about what people think of them.
The good news is that none of us has to suffer with insecurity; there is a cure for the approval addict. The Word of God says we can be secure and confident through Jesus Christ. That means we are free to be ourselves and become all we can be in Him.
Prayer Starter: Lord, teach me what it means to be rooted deep in Your love and to be secure in my relationship with Jesus. You know my weaknesses and everything that seeks to control my life. You know the “fixes” that I have tried. Help me to know my freedom in Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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