Saturday, January 12, 2019

Strength Coach Latest Forum Discussions

The following are parts of the latest forum discussions from the Athletes and Coaches at Join the discussions and get your training questions answered today! Click here to register.

 Rotator cuff exercise
I love this for strengthening the rotator cuff. Been using in her program and after 2 weeks she already noticed how much stronger her shoulders have been. Also she has said less pain throughout the day......Join this discussion....

 Static stretching thoughts
Old school my a**! Most should of already known what Mike and I had believed and still add into our programs- static stretching works and is important! Earlier static stretching studies were poorly interpreted mostly by context. Some of those studies had athletes sprint immediately after a stretch! Who does that?! No one I hope. No one who knows what they are doing anyway. Since, there have been studies showing the benefits of static stretching under different protocols. And, I liked the discussion in that it was a fair look at other outcomes:

"The novel finding of the present study is that CMJ performance of flexibility-trained athletes increases after intermittent stretching of the lower-limb musculature. This is in apparent disagreement with current practice that advocates against static stretching because of its possible detrimental effect on explosive performance (34,39). However, a recent review (5) concluded that static stretching with total duration of.....Join this discussion....

 Tracking Bodyweight
Wondering where everyone stands on tracking body weight with their athletes. I think it is a different conversation if you are talking about personal training clients, but I am strictly wondering about athlete's (professional, college, highschool, etc.). If you do it how often are you recording? If you don't do what is your reason?.......Join this discussion.....
Joel Jackson
University of Alberta
Competitive Thread
Edmonton, Alberta
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