Monday, January 28, 2019

Strength Coach- Is Fitness Your Job or Your Business?

Alwyn and Rachel Cosgrove - 

1. If you don't set your alarm tomorrow morning and get up to meet your clients do you still have an income?
2. Are you on the floor coaching clients less than 20 hours a week?
3. Can you take a vacation or go away for professional development and still generate revenue while you're gone?
If you answered no to all of the above questions you don't have a business, you have a job! Maybe you're making a pretty good living as a "one man show" helping a lot of people while you work around the clock but this can be a recipe for burnout. We call the above stage of business being in the "grind" which is ok temporarily but not a long term sustainable business model.
Looking ahead how can you turn this "job" into a business that gives you freedom to do what you want when you want? Here are a few steps.
1. Leverage your time. You only have so many hours in a day. Starting to look for ways to leverage those hours to getting more done is a huge step. One way to leverage those hours is to start to put systems in place.
2. Systems - Putting systems in place will set you up to build your team. Everything in your business can be systemized so you could hand it off to another team member so you don't always have to be the one doing it. Start with creating a checklist of how you run a training session or a template of how you write a training program. These two systems will make it so much easier to have a team member take over training sessions when you're not there.
3. Build your team! Start with an office manager/admin and then hire 2-3 coaches as you grow. Join to read the full story.......
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