Wednesday, January 9, 2019

NEW BPI Sports Pro Trainer - Kevin DeHaven

BIG NEWS from #BPISports. Join us in welcoming an industry legend, the new BPI Sports Pro Trainer, Kevin DeHaven. As an industry-leading expert trainer, KD has mentored some of the biggest names in the bodybuilding game and still maintains a roster full of current IFBB Pros. When he’s not hosting some of the biggest Bodybuilding shows in the South East Region, you can find him on the BPI Sports YouTube channel dropping knowledge to help you reach your Ultimate Fitness Goal. Tune in every Wednesday for another BPI Sports Pro Trainer tip from Kevin DeHaven.


As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be more muscular and look more athletic. I played sports growing up until I reached high school then I went a different direction…a bad direction of a whole lot of partying!! I remember always wanting to work out; I would often look at the magazines thinking that gaining muscle and getting in better shape was something I still really wanted to do even into my early adult years. One quality I’ve always had was a willingness to work and an understanding that anything I really wanted in life I was going to have to work for. When I was 26 I finally joined a gym and got to it.

Not only did I get bitten by the bug and compete within a year and a half but training also motivated me to make a career change. I started working at a local GNC store and gave up all the manual labor jobs I had been doing. This way of life led me into a very fruitful career. Following the GNC store, I moved from Virginia to North Carolina and became a sales rep for Europa Sports Products (the largest distributor of nutritional products in the USA). From there, I had the pleasure of  working for ISS Research / OhYeah! Nutrition for 12 years followed by the beast that is BPI Sports as the Corporate Sales Manager for the last 4 years. All of these jobs, which were some of the very best in the industry, kept me very involved with every aspect of the muscle and fitness world. I have been fortunate enough to gain valuable friendships with some of the most influential people and athletes within the industry. All the while training, healthy living and eating has always remained a huge part of my life. In the last 20 years I have competed a dozen times personally and helped 200+ athletes achieve their best condition, whether on the stage or just as a personal goal. I have helped athletes at all levels, both amateurs and pros.Much of what I know I have learned from some of the very best coaches (in my opinion) over the years while they helped me for shows. My principles and philosophies were formed through the practical application of those experiences, and coupled with my partner Cornelius’ training and nutrition philosophies, we formed DECON Nutrition and Training. I have made a full time commitment to this and am now able to pursue my passion of helping others achieve their goal! I want to help unlock the secret within you!

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