Sunday, January 6, 2019

HItchFit's Keys To Effective Workouts

Discover 5 Keys To Effective Workouts

The Mind and Muscle Connection.
How Intense are your workouts?
Have you ever gone to the gym and your focus was not on the workout? You were on the elliptical thinking about how you hate your job or stressed about bills, just going through the motions. You tell everyone “I work out 4 days a week but I’m just not getting results.” Why is it that you are not getting the results you desire?
One part of the puzzle is what I call Mind and Muscle Connection. Think about it like this. You go to work and have a task that your boss lays out for you. She gives you a time period to get it done and what she expects within the task. You are thinking about how you are going to make this the best possible and excel in every way. You are hoping to get that promotion that you have wanted and needed for some time. This is much like working out. You need to go to the gym with a purpose, with a task. You have a goal set and you have to do everything you can to reach that goal in the shortest amount of time.
When you make the Mind and Muscle Connection, your focus is on the workout and the muscle group you are training. Each rep of that bicep curl or squat is focused on working as hard as you can. When you are scatter brained you will not get to the level of intensity you need to get real results. Get yourself an ipod or some music player then download your favorite tunes and WORKOUT.
People will know you are there for business, not social hour. I always make the joke of if you need to talk to me, text me later because I am here work, not to socialize! Taking long rest periods will not be effective when trying to change your body. You need to hit a certain level of intensity week in week out that will enable your body to burn fat and gain muscle as well as a balanced nutrition plan. Here at Hitch Fit I teach my clients that if you can keep a balance of Fitness, Good Nutrition and Positive Lifestyle will always succeed.
Keep in mind I am not saying go out and lift a 1000 pounds, you need to do what your body is capable of. What I am showing you is the intensity I want you to workout at. Getting IN THE ZONE and pushing your body to get results.
5 Keys For Effective Workouts:
  1. Set realistic goals
  2. Think Happy! Negative thoughts always lead to a bad workout
  3. Believe in yourself! I can do this, I can reach my goals!
  4. Cut all distractions. If something is on your mind then take care of it before you go workout.
  5. Think over and over that working out is a stress reliever and will help increase your overall energy. You will never regret going to the gym in your life. But you will regret NOT going!

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