Sunday, January 13, 2019

Creflo Dollar Ministries Featuring: Saturday Service

Saturday Service [Video below] January 13

In Good Times and Bad

Psalm 91:14-15

God is called by many names. He is the Lord our Healer, our Provider, our Banner and our Righteousness. He also promises to be our Deliverer. In this troubled world that may very well be what we need Him to be most often.
But there are many believers who never experience God's mighty delivering power because, instead of walking closely with Him day by day, they wait until danger strikes to call upon Him. That just doesn't work. If you want God to rescue you in the bad times, you have to fellowship with Him in the good times. Why? Because God responds to faith. Our faith—not our need—is what causes Him to act on our behalf. And we'll never be able to develop that kind of faith, that kind of trust and confidence in Him, if we don't spend enough time with Him to get to know Him.
First John 3:20-22 tells us that we have confidence toward God when we do the things that are pleasing in His sight. If we only serve God halfheartedly, then we will not have confidence in Him to deliver us from trouble. When danger surrounds us, instead of being filled with faith, we'll find ourselves paralyzed with fear.
Love and serve God with your whole heart. Walk closely with Him in the good times. Then, when you need Him to be your Deliverer, you'll know without a doubt you can trust Him to care for you!
Scripture Reading:
Psalm 108:1-6
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications    All rights reserved.

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