Friday, December 7, 2018

Tactical Bodyweight Workouts Presents WDFW Police: A Force of Nature and General Law Enforcement Training, Educational Requirements and Job Description

Think all Fish and Wildlife Officers do is check hunting and fishing licenses? Think again! While much of our enforcement work is about making sure law-abiding citizens enjoy their outdoor experience, or bringing generally decent people back into the fold when temptation gets the better of them.... there is another side of fish and wildlife policing that is generally unknown to the public. [Video below]

Revolutionary Tactical Strength and Conditioning Program Provides A Simple Bodyweight-Training Blueprint to Help You Gain Strength, Boost Power, and Rebuild Your Body 

Image result for WDFW Police: A Force of Nature

World’s Greatest Military Operators and Law Enforcement Professionals Reveal the Secret Bodyweight-Only Training System Used By Elite Tactical Athletes

TO: ðŸ‘ŠðŸŽ–️Military Operators, Law Enforcement Professionals, and Prepared Citizens Serious About Building Tactical Muscle
RE: ðŸ’ªSpecial Report by Joseph Arangio, Tactical Strength and Conditioning Coach
The value of our natural resources and the remoteness of Washington's back country provide an attractive environment for those looking to steal a quick buck, hide out, or engage in other criminal activity. This is the Fish and Wildlife Officer's patrol beat, and our Officers are usually the only ones standing between the bad guys and a quality and safe outdoor experience desired by the majority of the public. Produced and Edited by Screaming Flea Productions, Seattle Footage provided by Screaming Flea Productions, Doug Ward, and Chris Moszeter

General Law Enforcement Training, Educational Requirements and Job Description
By: Ryan Sprout
The general requirements in order to become a law enforcement officer are to *Obtain a POST ID (Peace officer Standards and Training ID) *Attend a training academy for law enforcement *Take necessary certification tests and become certified as a peace or law enforcement officer The amount of education you need to become a law enforcement officer varies as the career themselves. Some college experience is enough in becoming a police officer, while a undergraduate bachelors degree is necessary to pursue a career as an FBI, DEA, ATF or Border patrol agent. Many agencies and departments urge their employees to pursue a degree in criminal justice or obtain a post high school education. Courses in criminal justice include but are not limited to criminal justice, humanities, ethics, police organization, administration, leadership development, analytic reasoning, and communications. It's very important to keep in mind that it's important to complete and get your high school diploma. If not, continue forward in your education by getting your GED. You can do so by your local adult education center. None the less, it's always better to acquire some years or a four year college education. The most attractive elements about working as an officer and in the criminal justice field are the routine and scheduling. The possibilities are almost endless with a career in criminal justice and enforcement of laws. A typical day for someone who works in different fields of law enforcement varies depending on the career path you pursue. Generally an enforcement officer may work in the office cubicle of the agency or more exciting in the field. An officer may encounter things differently everyday from keeping a watchful eye on citizens during a political convention, tapping into a phone call of a fugitive or pretending to be a young girl online to lure a pedophile into a sting operation arrest, assisting with a riot or preventing a terrorist crime from happening. The qualities officers must have are common sense, respect and sense for and of their community, intelligence, mindful of their environment, the courage to make smart decisions when necessary and when to hold back and stay calm, be educated, stay grounded and be realistic about the career field they are in. For those inspired to pursue a career in criminal justice enforcement; the financial and job security are well in place. More importantly, the kickback and personal reward of helping people, saving lives, and keeping the community safe when stressful or dangerous situations arise. For those inspired to pursue a career in the United States law enforcement task force, the financial and job security are well in place. More importantly, the kickback and personal reward of helping people, saving lives and keeping the community safe.

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