Saturday, December 22, 2018

Joel Osteen Ministries Featuring: Victoria Osteen - Learn to Love Well

In this message (below), Victoria will explain that our love should have wisdom. Our love should see beyond the superficial. Our love should be smart and thoughtful. Love doesn’t wait for things to happen. Love builds relationships. Love serves. Love gives, and it doesn’t just give what it wants to give. Love is willing to look into a situation and give what is needed.

Open Your Eyes of Faith

Post by Joel Osteen 
When you're in a difficult time, the enemy will do a lot of talking. He'll tell you, "I've got you surrounded. You're never going to get well. You've had this addiction for so long that you'll never break it. You're never getting out of debt. No matter how hard you work you'll never get the promotion. You're stuck." Don't believe those lies. The enemy thinks He has you surrounded, but the Most High God has him surrounded. God knows every attack, every difficulty, every unfair situation that's going to happen. When you feel like you're surrounded, come back to the place of peace and say, "I know my God is still on the throne. He's bigger than this opposition, greater than this sickness, more powerful than these enemies."

David said, "I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies who surround me on every side" (Psalm 3:6). You would think that being surrounded by ten thousand enemies would have David feeling worried, afraid, upset. But he went on to say, "Victory comes from you, O Lord." He was saying, "I could be overwhelmed by my enemies, but I'm not falling apart because I know that God is surrounding what's surrounding me." David had his spiritual eyes open. He saw his enemies, but through his eyes of faith he also saw the Most High God fighting his battles and bringing victory.
Like David, you may feel surrounded by enemies—depression, sickness, lack, obstacles that are trying to keep you from your dreams. You don't have the people connections or the finances. You could easily accept it and think, "It's not meant to be." Here the key: what you see with your physical eyes is not the only thing that's surrounding you. If you open your eyes of faith, you'll realize the troubles and the oppositions are surrounded by our God. You're not just surrounded by the negative. That's one level, but the all-powerful God supersedes that. You're surrounded by favor, surrounded by healing, surrounded by angels.
My prayer today is that God will open our eyes and let us see that He is surrounding what surrounds us. That sickness that has you surrounded, God has it surrounded. That trouble you're losing sleep over, God has the trouble surrounded. Come back to the place of peace. You're in the palms of His hands. All through the day remind yourself that you are surrounded by the Most High. If you do this, I believe and declare that things that have held you back will be brokwn. You're going to see favor, increase, healing, restoration, the fullness of your destiny, in Jesus' Name.

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