Friday, December 14, 2018

iHealthTube Featuring: Cancer and Your Immune System–What You Should Know!

Dr. Jose Henriquez discusses the relationship between cancer and the immune system when it comes to treatment and prevention. Find out the challenges of conventional treatments and what their use can do to cancer in the short and long term. [Video Below]

“Life is such a precious gift and having optimal health is truly a wonderful thing! As a health professional and a Doctor of Nutrition, I highly recommend the services of Dr. Jose Henriquez and his Integrative Whole Health Clinic as his treatments are truly the state of the art. He is my personal doctor for one reason, ‘He is the Best!’

Even though I am a Doctor, until I met Dr. Henriquez, the quality of my health and life were extremely lacking as I was born with a genetic liver disease. Living with this disease can be very degrading as well as having no quality of life. Many people do not live to see 35. I chose to receive all the education and knowledge I could to live as normal a life as possible. It was when I found Dr. Henriquez that life became normal and enjoyable. I have been under his care for many, many years and am able to enjoy life to the fullest. I am now 67 and take no medications.

Dr. Henriquez always listens to you and hears what you are saying so he can customize a program that specifically meets your needs. He is compassionate and understanding. His treatments are extremely effective and do not have the side effects that traditional treatments do. Plus, they make sense and are easy to follow.

I strongly recommend his services. It is also extremely important for all of us to continue with follow-up programs on time, so we can remain free of disease to enjoy the life we so justly deserve.”

Dr. Janie Williams – Doctor of Nutrition – Top Ten American Business Woman – 949-614-3370 –
Letter of Thanks
October 2009
Dear Dr. Henriquez,

I will go visit Integrative Whole Health Clinic for 2 weeks to receive, for the second time, your alternative treatment for my cancer. Six month ago, after I came back to Japan from the first time of your treatment around April ~ May, I was told by a famous doctor for cancer in Japan that if I had received a treatment in Japan, they could not have saved me.

February 2009

I was informed from a Japanese hospital that I was in stage 5 of an ovarian cancer.

April 2009 (Japan)

I went to Integrative Whole Health Clinic to receive an alternate treatment for my cancer I was very lucky that I knew about this treatment. I knew someone who received the same treatment from you and healed his cancer.

April 2009 (Mexico)

I got your diagnosis as a stage 4 of ovarian cancer and had a surgery proceeded by you and your team.

10 days after the operation, I had 2 weeks with hyperthermia and received the “order-made” vaccine made for me.

I never forget your strong eyes and words when you told me about the operation and that you said you could help me.

After I came back to Japan, and for the last 6 months I took the vaccine every week and also drank the supplements.

August 2009

4 months later, the cancer marker decreased from 700 to 200. Some cancer even started to disappear!

I expect that the treatment this time will be similar.

In Japan, it almost never happens that the surgical doctor and alternative treatment doctor are the same. Besides, you staying with me give me a real feeling of security.

You said that “Probably in the near future they will announce me a complete recovery”. How wonderful it would be!!

There are no words to tell you how much I appreciate you or to tell my gratitude. I am amazed everyday by my recovery, and I am thankful to your treatment as well.

“There is a way to believe in life even in having cancer” I wish more Japanese people knew that! I want then to know it before they get sick. Because.In Japanese hospital they don’t teach you such things.

I will do my best to heal, and of course I will let you know when I’ m healed. Doctor Henriquez. Thank you so much for taking care of me so well. And please be by my side until my total recovery.
Sincerely, Mari Fushimi
“I wanted to try a healthier approach for my stage 3B breast cancer. Especially since I was told that with the traditional aggressive chemotherapy & radiation treatments found here in the USA, I MIGHT be able to live 10 more years. For me, living the remaining years of my life sick and ill with the side effects of those therapies, was unacceptable. I had witnessed the results & aftermath of chemotherapy & radiation – how it had effected my family and friends over the years.

During my consultation with Dr. Jose A. Henriquez, it was apparent to me that he was very knowledgeable about treating cancer. His genuine caring, good nature, and attentiveness was wonderful as he took the time to educate me about his treatment protocol. While under Dr. Henriquez’s care, I had 2 Whole Body Hyperthermia procedures. After each procedure, my cancer markers dropped. The other treatments that I had was Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation, Dendritic Cell vaccines, and Live Cell Therapy.

Dr. Henriquez’s compassion, devotion, and care that he shows his patients is astounding. His accessibility, and bedside manner at once put me at ease and remains to this day personal and warm.

When I returned home after my 21 day treatment, my friends and family couldn’t believe how much healthier and younger I looked. I have never felt healthier in my life. I am forever grateful to Dr. Henriquez and his vast knowledge, that has kept me cancer free since February 2005.

I am in agreement with your other patients who sing your praises,
you are one of the best of the best.”

Beth Faas – Breast cancer survivor since Feb 2005 – Huntington Beach, CA – USA –
“I accompanied my husband to Tijuana in search of treatment for his kidney cancer. It was with great trepidation that we travelled so far for the integrated approach to treatment that we could not find at home. Dr Henriquez quickly dispelled all of our fears. His quiet, friendly professional manner gave us every confidence. He was never too busy to spend times discussing our worries and concerns, his door was always open to us. Nothing was too much trouble and he gave us hope. He is without doubt an outstanding doctor, his knowledge and expertise in his field is extensive. I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone.

The health of a carer is often overlooked, however an unexpected benefit of the treatment was that as I also followed my husband’s dietary programme and was able to relax safe in the knowledge that Dr Henriquez was “taking control of everything”, I returned home four weeks later feeling and looking healthier than I had for many months. I was able to support, encourage and cope once again. “

Margaret J – Warwickshire, England –

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