Saturday, December 15, 2018

HitchFit's Winter Workouts 5 Winter Workouts You Haven’t Tried

5 Winter Workouts You Haven’t Tried

It’s here. Though the new year is just a few week away, winter is upon us. It’s still dark when you wake up and dark when you get home from work – which means your favorite outdoor fitness activities are out of the question. But, that doesn’t give you an excuse to stray from your fitness goals! Here are 5 winter workouts you haven’t tried yet, and who knows, you might even like them enough to carry on through the summer!
1. Ride – So the icy streets aren’t conducive to biking your way to work? Hit the gym for a spin class and try out some of the interval-based rides. These intense cycling classes can burn up to hundreds of calories, and keep your muscles and bones in tip-top shape.
2. Resistance Training – there are tons of bodyweight exercises that will give you the strength and endurance you need without venturing out of the house.  Try these great bodyweight exercises and get the heart pumping!
3. Laps – The pool isn’t just for summer, especially when you can find an indoor one. Dig out your swimsuit and head to your local gym or community center. Swimming is an incredible way to get a low-impact workout. Bonus: it helps improve breathing technique, which assists you in future, more strenuous workouts!
4. Skating – Ice skating is the perfect winter workout. It’s not just for laughing at the number of times you fall down! It’s fun, which improves your mood, tones the legs, core and butt, and strengthens the muscles used in balancing and coordination. Too cold for outdoor skating? Indoor rinks generally have time slots available to the public – so check them out!
5. Kick-boxing – This is a great time to take up kick-boxing! This indoor sport gives you impressive strength training, as well as cardio and conditioning. You’ll need stamina to stand up to your opponents, and the lessons you’ll get from this sport will get you there. Hone your technique while getting in shape and feel better about yourself once you’ve learned how to handle your own body in defensive ways.
See? Great winter workouts are still out there, giving you the variety you need to keep pursuing your goals. Test them out and share what works for you!
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