Monday, November 26, 2018

Kenneth Copeland Ministries Featuring: Pastors Discover God’s Prosperity Scriptures—and the Truth Behind Them

Jonas and Robin Bohlin are Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ Partners and pastors of Fullness in Christ Church in North Fort Worth, Texas. Today they have a fresh revelation of the prosperity scriptures found in the Word, and in believing God to receive what He promised His children—but it wasn’t always that way. At first, Jonas and Robin were skeptical of what others called the “Name it and claim it” teaching. But then, through some divine relationships, they began to listen to the teaching of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. They studied it out and discovered what the Copelands were teaching wasn’t heresy or greed; it was truth clearly outlined in Scripture…and its goal was to reach the world with God’s love. What finally changed everything for the Bohlins was discovering the true reason for prosperity: So the blessed could be a blessing! “I began to see why wealth, money and prosperity were so important,” says Robin. “When I began to hear the Word of Faith message, I saw that you have to have wealth. You have to have prosperity. You have to have more than enough so that you can give it away. I thought, ‘Oh, I don’t just get money to get money. I get money to meet my needs and then to be able to bless people!’” Suddenly, not only did Jonas’ and Robin’s minds change on the matter of prosperity, but they found their actions following suit. Today, when the Holy Spirit moves on their hearts, they find themselves giving to others like never before. “I see being a part of KCM as an equipping opportunity for me to be able to impact the lives of the people that I pastor,” says Jonas Bohlin. Watch Jonas and Robin’s testimony about their scriptural discovery and life transformation in this video. And if you want to learn more about God’s promises of prosperity for you, watch our teachings on YouTube, BVOVN and read our articles about prosperity scriptures on We’re here for you! Learn more about Partnership with KCM here: Read more about the scriptural blessings of prosperity for the believer here: Visit Fullness in Christ Church here:

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