Monday, November 12, 2018

Joseph Prince Recent Messages Featuring: How To Pray And See Results and Open the Flow

What’s the key to praying powerful prayers that bring results? In this eye-opening message by Joseph Prince, discover what the Bible really says about praying earnest prayers. See why you can boldly declare the truth of God’s Word over your situation and expect to see your breakthroughs come to pass. Through the story of the Prophet Elijah and his victory at Mount Carmel, find out how you can: • Pray effective prayers with the right posture of faith • Pray accurately according to the Word of God and the new covenant • Be bold to step out and pray for others, knowing that God hears your prayers Beloved, experience victory in your prayer life as you align yourself with the truth of Jesus’ finished work! Get the full message at: - Subscribe for free official sermon notes at

Open the Flow

Hebrews 12:1-2

Disciplining the flesh. For many believers that phrase stirs memories of frustration and failure. They know it's important—the Word of God clearly teaches that. But they're not sure exactly how to go about it.
Some have given up, shrugging off such discipline as impossible. Others are still fighting stubbornly to get their flesh under control—and losing one battle after another.
But it doesn't have to be that way. In fact, we can't afford to let it be that way. It will cost us too much.
You and I are blessed to be part of the generation that will see the signs and wonders which the prophets of old wished they could have lived long enough to see. We will witness the Spirit of God poured out upon all flesh. But sin hinders the Spirit's flow. And only as we rid ourselves of it will the power and glory of God be manifest through us. Only then will we experience the glorious things that are prophesied to take place in our generation.
So put your past failure behind you. Make up your mind that you're not going to let the sins of the flesh rob you of the glory of God. It is possible to step out of the sin you've struggled with so long and live under the Spirit's control. Look to Jesus...He will show you how.
Scripture Reading:
2 Timothy 2:19-23
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications    All rights reserved.

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