Friday, November 9, 2018

iHealthTube Featuring: How This Gene is Linked to Cancer and Cancer Facts

Dr. José Henriquez discusses a genetic link to cancer and how it either works successfully or leads to cancer. Find out what this gene is called and what it's role is.

Cancer Facts
By: Anna W.
Basic Information You Need To Know

Cancer is a word we all hear used quite frequently to describe our own or another person’s medical condition. Many erroneously believe that cancer is a single disease. However, one of the more interesting cancer facts is that the term cancer is actually a classification of several different types of diseases, rather than a single disease in and of itself.

The common denominator between cancerous diseases is the abnormal growth of cells, which results in tumors and other problems that strain the body’s natural systems. If you have ever found yourself asking what cancer is, the simplest explanation is an abnormal growth of cells, however, cancer diseases are not always that simple.

Having been diagnosed with cancer, or having a loved one diagnosed, there are some basic cancer facts and related cancer information you will find yourself well acquainted with by the time your cancer journey is over.

First, the good news is that cancer survival rates are good, especially when caught and treated early. The sooner abnormal cancer cells are found and stopped, the sooner healing can begin and the better overall outcome. However, getting from Point A (diagnosis) to Point B (cure) varies depending on your specific type of cancer. Some traits are common in all cancers, while there are also differences such as responses to conventional treatments.

Normal human cells are preprogrammed to divide at a certain rate and die when they wear out. When inherited genes are triggered or carcinogens are introduced, cells are transformed becoming abnormal. This is one of the few universal cancer facts. Oncogens, the genes that promote cancers cause cells to grow and divide faster and may override a cell’s preprogrammed death.

Tumor suppressor genes further complicate the problem by becoming inactive in these oncogen-hyped cells. Without active tumor suppressor genes, cells no longer replicate themselves according to the correct DNA information, resulting in cells that adhere in multiple tissue environments. These abnormalities are what cause cancer to spread or metastasize.

In educating yourself about cancer facts, treatment options will be a huge focus, secondary to diagnosis. Early signs such as lumps, swelling, bleeding, or pain help identify cancers early enough for effective intervention through medication or radiation. However, more advanced stage symptoms such as cough, weight loss, poor appetite, anemia, or fatigue are usually what propel patients to the doctor, often when the cancer has had ample time to spread. The latest cancer research and cancer statistics, while showing a marked improvement in survival rates, indicates more can be done to treat cancer earlier.

Anna W. believes in alternative, holistic, and natural ways for healing the body, especially cancer. She provides accurate information on cancer facts, types, and treatments. 

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