Thursday, November 15, 2018

iHealthTube Featuring: Have We Been Wrong About Fish Oil?!

Dr. Robert Rowen discusses his beliefs about fish oil and how they differ from what we've been told for years. Does it fall in line with the 'low fat' craze and margarine? We were apparently wrong about those ways of thinking. Is fish oil next? Watch and share this video! [below]
Dr. Rober Rowen's books on

Benefits of Giving Supplements to Your Dog
By: John Howes
As a dog owner you always want to ensure that your dog is getting enough nutrition. A balance diet can provide proper nutrition which ensures pet’s healthy and active life. Healthy body function from digestion to muscle growth everything is also regulated by proper nutrition.
However, regular diet cannot always meet the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals. Deficiencies of any particular vitamin or mineral can cause serious health problem on dogs. In that case, supplements are recommended by veterinarian or nutritionist. Beside this, supplements are sometimes prescribed to dogs that suffer from certain health problems like joint problem, arthritis or for aging dogs.

Pet supplements are proven to be very beneficial in few cases. Generally, they are very useful in inflammation, pain and digestive problems. Beside this, they also help in other health issues like poor immune system, joint pain, hair loss, mouth and gum disease, arthritis etc.

The most common supplement that is given to dogs is multivitamin. Pets don’t always get all vitamins they need from food. In that case, high quality multivitamins can work well. Multivitamins are used to increase energy, boost the immune system, improve dog’s coat shine etc.
Fatty acids and fish oils are also used to reduce inflammation, shedding and the coats to look better.

Osteoarthritis is common in aging dogs. Glucosamine and chondroitin supplements, together or individually are usually given to those dogs who are suffering from osteoarthritis. Joint supplements can help to reduce inflammation and pain.

Pets with arthritis or skin allergy can be given fish oil. They are really beneficial in that case. Fatty acids and fish oils are also used to reduce inflammation, shedding and the coats to look better.

If your dog is suffering from the digestive problem, then digestive enzymes can be beneficial for them. Upset stomach can be painful and turn them off taking foods.

People often take probiotics for gastrointestinal problems. These are also helpful in dogs to relieve the gastrointestinal problem. Generally, probiotics contain good bacteria and they play important role in digesting foods. Pets that are suffering from diarrhea and upset stomach, probiotics can certainly help in that case.

Aging dogs generally suffer from memory problems, immune system problem, allergies, infections, stress etc. In that case, antioxidants and vitamin A, B, C and E supplements are recommended and work better.

Calcium supplements are given to dog for bone formation, blood coagulation, and nerve impulse transmission.

Can supplements cause any harm to dogs?

It may be.
According to the FDA and veterinarian, animals that are having well balanced diet and take excess amount of any vitamin and mineral, it could be harmful for them.
Excess calcium intake can cause skeletal problems.
Too much intake of water soluble vitamin like vitamin C may not cause harm to your dog.
But, excess amount of fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K can be dangerous. Vitamin A in extra amount can be harmful for blood vessels and cause dehydration and joint pain.

If your dog is healthy and eat well balanced diet, in that case supplements are not necessary. In fact, you should avoid these.
On the other hand, if you fed your dog homemade food, then you should consult with veterinarian before giving any kind of supplements to your dog whether it is necessary or not. If it is recommended then you should maintain the nutritional balance.

My name is John and I love to write about pet.Visit my blog to find out the details about Best Joint Supplement for Dogs and some tips for your Dog.

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