Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Charis Bible College - Chapel - Guest Speaker Pt.2 - Jesse Duplantis

Charis Bible College - Chapel - Guest Speaker Pt.2 - Jesse Duplantis [Video Below]

Guard Your Thinking

by Victoria Osteen 

The Scripture tells us in Proverbs that "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." That tells us that our life is going to go in the direction of our most prominent thoughts, those thoughts that we allow to linger in our mind, such as an offense or a fear or a worry, and then drop down and take root in our heart. If we're going to become everything God intends us to be, we must take captive the thoughts that are playing in our mind, those thoughts that are ruling our life. We can't afford to allow negative thoughts to push us around. We have to push our thoughts around. We want our life to go in the right direction, and that direction is dictated by right thoughts. So we have to seriously guard what we're thinking about.

If you want your life to go in a certain direction, start thinking in that direction. Start pushing your life that way by the thoughts you're thinking. If you need victory today, start thinking overcoming thoughts. If there are areas in your life where you feel defeated, you feel down, start thinking overcoming thoughts. Use the power of your thoughts and start saying, "If God is for me, who can be against me? Who would even dare to point a finger at me? Jesus overcame sin and death and the grave so I can overcome. In fact, God has called me 'more than a conqueror' in Christ Jesus!"
God has given you His Word and the power to think His thoughts and to create your life around those thoughts. You can't control what anyone else does or says or thinks, but you can control what you think. You can control your attitudes. You can control the filters you use, and that's the key. If your life is not going in the direction you want, push your thoughts in the direction you want. God says He wants to renew your mind and transform your life, and it can start now. The renewing and the transformation can take place as soon as you choose the right thoughts to think.
So let me encourage you today. Know that God is for you. He's given you an outline for what you need to do. Create possibilities in your mind. Don't go out with a negative filter. Don't allow your thoughts to push you around anymore; rather, begin to push your thoughts around. Use the power of God's Word to transform your thinking and guard your heart.

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