Saturday, October 20, 2018

StrengthCoach-Take Five: Training Doses and Dosages Depend! On….

Pat Van Galen 

Take Five:  Training Doses and Dosages Depend!  On….                      

  1. The Individual: Dig Deeper as the client Ages through the Stages!!  Delve into ……

  • Training History [Hx] and Training Age [formal S and C]
  • Athletic, physical labor and physical activity Hx [upbringing] - physical competency AND ‘wear and tear'
  • Perceptions, attitudes and mindsets towards ‘the physical'
  • Medical Hx, MSK Hx, surgeries, MEDS, family Hx and longevity
  • Body composition, body fat distribution and metabolic health
  • Build-Frame: lanky-stocky, tall-short, slight-substantial, and Somatotype: Endo-Meso-Ecto-Morph [Clydesdale-Quarterhorse–Thoroughbred]
  • More thorough and appropriate screens, assessments and evals!

  1. The Individual: For WHAT ‘physical' purpose am I [the client] training? To be able to DO what? To have the foundation, function and capacity to ………

  • build a buffer so my chances of injury are lower when I wakeboard and play soccer …..
  • have the stamina to be able to engage in my recreational and leisure-time pursuits …
  • have the strength to take care of my disabled parent…..
  • continue to compete in ……….
  • have a body that ‘works for me'....  no specific physical purpose, but I want to ….. see #3.....

    1. The Individual: WHY am I [the client] training?  Beyond the ‘physical'…..

    • To have the energy, vitality, vim and vigor for the things that I need to do, want to do, and enjoy doing.
    • To keep all of my family traditions, travel and vacations going for generations to come.
    • To give me the confidence to just to do things automatically without worrying about injury.
    • To live an active life for as long as I can ‘where'I want to live it.
    • For the structure that training provides to my day and my life.
    • For that sense of accomplishment and sharpness of mind that training gives me.
    • To better deal with the dis-stressors and curve balls of life.
    • To help me stay ‘on track', since I quit drinking 20 years ago.
    • To keep an aesthetic physique and control my weight.
    • To age ‘younger for longer' with healthy bones, joints, muscles, heart, circulation, body fat, etc.
    Keep reading.......

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