Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Lose Weight Over 40 Fit over 40 Alayne lost 9% body fat at 48!

Alayne came on KCTV5’s Better Kansas City with us and shared her inspiring story!

“My battle with “weight creep” started in my early 40’s. I tried all methods of exercise and calorie restriction to control it. When this didn’t work, I was convinced it was hormonal and I just needed to get those hormones balanced to get things back to normal, so I started going to all kinds of doctors, having all kinds of tests done to figure out what needed to be fixed. One doctor told me that I could eat any kind of protein I wanted (hot dogs!?!), but that I had to cut out ALL carbs – vegetables and fruits included. The only time I could eat carbs was if I was going to exercise immediately afterwards to burn it off.
There is one time that I remember my weight actually responding to what I did – maybe after some hormone therapy – but otherwise, I felt like I was exercising all the time and/or counting every calorie going into my mouth with no results. Why put out all of this effort with what seemed like no reward? I would quickly get discouraged and give up whatever I was trying at the time. I was trying to do everything myself with no real plan or guidance......Keep reading.........

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