Thursday, October 4, 2018

Lose 20 Pounds and Keep it Off!

Kim lost 20 pounds with Hitch Fit Online Personal Training and has kept it off for over 2 years!
40 and fit 20 pounds lost
I love today’s success story so much because at Hitch Fit we strive to help people create new lifestyle habits, not just “diet” for a short period of time and go back to old habits (and thus go back to the old body too!). The ONLY thing that will work if you want to change your body and get it to a healthy place and then KEEP it there is if you continue on with healthy eating and exercise habits for the long term. This is why we have such a unique structure in how we teach people to eat, because it is geared towards providing an education for the long term, and giving lots of flexibility and variety, while maintaining a structure that will encourage fat loss.
So you can imagine how happy I was to get a message 2 YEARS LATER from today’s rock star transformation Kim!! She did very well with her plan back in 2016, and I had not heard from her for quite some time when I got a message letting me know that she had truly embraced Hitch Fit as a lifestyle and was still making great choices, had sustained a 20 pound weight loss AND since she just hit 40, she was ready to share her story to encourage others!! Well that is all music to my ears!!!
So congratulations Kim!! Not only for a Rock Star Transformation, but for really making all the mental shifts necessary for this to be a lifestyle! Incredibly proud of you!!

Kim’s Before and After Weight Loss Stats: 
Starting weight: 147
Ending weight: 126
Starting body fat: 37%
Ending body fat: 21%
Inches lost from Waist: 7
Inches lost from Hip: 4
Kim’s Before and After Weight Loss Photos: 
lose 20 pounds and keep it off before and after
lose 20 pounds over 40 before and after
Kim’s Story and Hitch Fit Online Personal Training Review:
“My story may be a little different than the rest. Success didn’t come all at once, but it came at the right time for me. It was May of 2016 and I had recently given birth to my second child the previous October. I started that pregnancy 20 lbs overweight and ballooned to nearly 200 lbs at my peak. I was miserable in my own skin 7 months after giving birth and I knew I had to make a change.
After some online searching, I found Hitch Fit. It looked like the program I had been waiting for. I needed someone to tell me what to eat and when, and give me a workout plan—really spell it out for me. I also needed to be held accountable so checking in online with a coach was perfect.  I purchased the Lose Weight Feel Great program and sent in my before photos. Ouch. They were pretty painful to look at. I’d always been in decent shape but seeing these photos showed me that I wasn’t living the best version of myself.
Diana sent me my personalized nutrition plan which really contained a WEALTH of information. I mean a WEALTH! Good proteins, bad carbs, good carbs, great substitutions, how to use herbs and spices to flavor your food, how to make better choices at restaurants, how to shop the grocery store. It even broke down my meals—how far apart they should be spaced out and what they should contain. They also send a personalized work-out plan that was so comprehensive. At first, I will admit I was intimidated. How would I do all this with two little kids, a husband, and working full-time?
Along with the plan, they also provided me with advice that I credit for helping make all of this happen. Set yourself up for success. It was simple, but it changed everything. I looked at the supplies they recommended purchasing and headed to Amazon. Food scale, shaker bottle, lunch bag, water cooler, protein powder. I even purchased a separate set of food containers. I didn’t want to use the old ones we had because using new ones made me feel like I was a part of something. It was something small, but it made it official. I was going to do this. This was my program. Once I had everything I needed, there was no excuse not to get started.
I started with the nutrition plan. The first day I ate more food than I had eaten in years. 5 meals that day and a gallon of water. I was stuffed. Was this right? How could I lose weight like this? I kept at it though, and after two weeks, I felt immensely better and I was dropping weight already. My husband saw how much I was eating and agreed to eat the same things, only a bit more. This made it easier as we would cook together or prep food for each other. The weight started falling off. By month 4, I was down 25 lbs just by eating clean—and he was down 30 lbs! People were asking us every day what we were doing to get back in shape and it was such a good feeling. Not only that, but my metabolism had improved so much that even if I had a cheat meal, it didn’t make a dent.
During this time, I really tried to work out. I just couldn’t get a quiet moment at home and with my work schedule, there wasn’t time to fit in the gym. I will admit too that I felt good losing the weight so at that moment that was enough for me.  I sent in a few progress photos and checked in but I never sent in my final before and after photo. I hadn’t FULLY completed the nutrition and workout program and I didn’t feel like my after photo would be a good representation of the program. It wasn’t fair to Diana and the team at Hitch Fit.
It’s now June 2018, almost a full two years since I started Hitch fit. I’ve continued to eat pretty much clean during that time with some exceptions here and there and have kept the weight off. But guess what, I finally have found time to work out! Two years later, but I can consistently get to the gym and have been following the workout plan and what a difference it has made!
Tackling one part of the program at a time was what worked for me. And for 2 years now, I have been eating healthier and making better food choices. It was a complete lifestyle change and the weight stayed off. And now the working out has fallen into place and not only am I staying lean, but I’m building muscle and definition.  The added beauty of this program is that it stays with you forever and you can pick it up whenever you need a boost or have put on a few pounds and want to get back to a healthier weight. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve revisited all the info they sent.
Hitch Fit has been a journey for me and honestly it completely changed my life. You get to a point in your life as an adult where you need to show yourself you can still learn new things and accomplish goals you set for yourself. I get asked all the time what I’ve done to get in shape and I love telling people about Hitch Fit. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars just dedicate some of your time and focus. I can’t thank Diana and the team at Hitch Fit enough. Not only did they give me the tools to change my life but offered unwavering support and encouragement. This is only the beginning for me and this whole journey has opened my eyes to so many new possibilities! That is priceless!”
Program Choice: Lose Weight

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