Saturday, October 13, 2018

Joel Osteen Recent Messages Featuring: Victoria Osteen - How Are You Handling Worry?

Did you know that the word worry comes from the Old English wyrgan, which means “to strangle?” If we let them, worry and stress literally choke the joy out of our lives. So how are you handling worry? Worry pulls us away from God’s power, but worship draws us to Him, and His presence changes us. This is message #736, "How Are You Handling Worry?", by Victoria Osteen. For more inspirational messages, visit

Touch Him

Post by Joel Osteen 

In Mark 5, there was a lady who had a bleeding disorder for twelve years. She had gone to many doctors and spent all her money trying to get well, but she only got worse. One day she heard that Jesus was passing through her town. She had heard stories of His healing the crippled and the blind, and something came alive on the inside. She thought, "He can do it for me, too." She said to herself, "If I can get to Jesus and just touch the fringe of His robe, I know I'll be healed."
But there was a huge crowd packed in around Jesus. It looked impossible. Most people would have given up, but not her. She started pushing her way through the crowd. "Excuse me, but I need to get by! I don't mean to be rude, but move out of my way!" People looked at her like, "What's her problem?" She was on a mission. She had a made-up mind. I'm sure she was weak and exhausted from the blood loss, but she fought her way through the crowd. One version says, "She kept saying to herself, 'If I only touch His clothes, I will be well.'" She could keep going because she kept the right thoughts playing in her mind.
When she reached out and touched the edge of Jesus' robe, He stopped and asked His disciples, "Who just touched me?" They said, "What do You mean? It's so crowded that everyone is touching You." Jesus said in effect, "No, they're bumping into me, but somebody touched Me. Somebody drew the miracle-working power out of Me. They touched Me expecting things to change." At that time Jesus looked at this woman and their eyes met. He smiled and said, "Your faith has made you whole. Go in peace. You have been healed" (Mark 5:34). Notice the key was her faith. When you believe, when you live with expectancy, your faith can stop the Creator of the universe. That's what activates His power.
In many of the healings that Jesus performed, He laid His hands on people. But in this case, the woman laid her hands on Jesus. Are you waiting for God to lay hands on you, so to speak? Are you living with expectancy, knowing that He's bigger than your problems, greater than that sickness, more powerful than that addiction? Or are you discouraged, thinking it will never change? God is passing by. He has all power. Don't just brush up against Him. Don't be passive and think you'll never accomplish your dreams, never start your business, never meet the right person. Your faith can activate God's power to do amazing things. Do like this woman—touch Him and believe it will happen!

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