Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Fit Mom's Success Story! Autumn loses 16 Pounds with Hitch Fit Weight Loss Plan

I’m so proud of today’s transformation Autumn! I had the honor of working with this determined mother of 3 (including TWINS!) a few years back in 2013 when she wanted to get into Bikini Model shape. She did a fantastic job through her first transformation. Since that time Autumn tackled other goals including running marathons and competing in bikini competitions. She suffered some injuries and setbacks and needed to find a place of balance.  I was so happy that she reached back out for my help! This time around we had several obstacles to work around and get Autumn to a place where she was feeling great. Autumn went through the Hitch Fit Lose Weight Plan “Lose Weight Feel Great”. We got her eating on track again and on a training program that would accommodate her injuries. She started seeing results right away and that motivated her to stay on track. Awesome job Autumn!
Autumn’s Stats:
Starting weight: 160
Ending weight: 144
Starting body fat: 22.73%

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