Monday, October 15, 2018

CoachTube Football Presents High School and Youth Football From Under the Radar Featuring: Youth Football in MIAMI is on ANOTHER LEVEL !! Lauderdale Lions v Miami Gardens | 9U

Youth Football always *LIT* in South Florida !! Lauderdale Lions v Miami Golden Army' Gardens | 9U - Double OverTime Thriller - BABY SOULJA had the crowd lit [Video Below]

Presented on US Sports Net By CoachTube Football!


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Teach Faster. Practice Efficiently. Win More.
How do you teach your offense?
If it’s pure memorization, I get it.
Players just don’t put in the time outside of practice.
Then you have to simplify things so much that they need a lot of extra teaching on the field - again reps are wasted.
One or two plays a day doesn’t add up very quickly by the time you need to be using them in your first game.
I always ended up cramming in plays the last week because we had to get our offense in on time. How can we get plays in faster so we can get the reps we need?
What about your weekly practice organization?
Pull a play out, put a new one in...practice and situational scripts it all was just too much to type it all out and then have to go in and change things up again. Keep reading.......

Injury in Elite Sport- Can It Be Predicted?

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy 
This is a great look at the eternal debate. I always say that screening is screening. It's simply the insertion of a filter to try to catch data. I love the reaction of " well it doesn't tell us who is going to get hurt, so why do it".
We screen for many reasons but physical therapist Andrea Mosler hit's the nail on the head......Keep reading....
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