Friday, September 21, 2018

US Sports Youth and High School Football UTR Featuring: Monday Night in Compton !!! Hub City Tar Heels vs Wilmington Pilots 8U - Highlight Mix

Monday Night in Compton !!! Hub City Tar Heels vs Wilmington Pilots 8U - Highlight Mix [Below]
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Videos- TBDL Jumps/Muscle Activation

Devan McConnell 
Just thought I'd share a couple of videos I found interesting. A couple of our players are using a product with surface EMG built into them. Not sure what comes of it, but its been interesting watching what happens during different exercises and while on the ice. Watch Videos....

Off-ice Contributors to On-ice Success: An In-depth Review of the Research

Adam Virgile
 What does a game look like for the typical NHL positional player? It's pretty easy to figure out… just do some simple math on the stats from the NHL website. The typical position player will have 20-35 shifts/game, each lasting 60-90 seconds in duration. This appears simple, on the surface, but let's take a deeper look. 
Before we evaluate potential relationships between off-ice and on-ice performance, it's important to understand the on-ice requirements of elite hockey players. 
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