Wednesday, September 19, 2018

US Sports Net High School Football Featuring: Bishop Gorman (NV) vs De La Salle (CA) | HSFB | UTR Highlight Mix 2018 and Sport Specific Speed

Bishop Gorman (NV) vs De La Salle (CA) | HSFB | UTR Highlight Mix 2018 [This Video and More Below]

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Sport Specific Speed

Michael Boyle
I get this question all the time. I need to develop speed for ______. Can you help? The reality is that speed is speed and that the sport really doesn't matter. Fast is fast!
One of my favorite quotes came from Marco Cardinale who was in charge of sports science for the London Olympics. Every coach came to him and wanted a specific program. Cardinale told them:
" your sport is not different, you just think it is"
Strength and conditioning and logically speed development really doesn't change as much as coaches would like to believe.I wrote this a few weeks ago:
"I can't get away from the "sports specific" training thing. Every parent I talk to asks the same question. Do you guys do "sports specific training?" It drives me crazy that I have to give the same response over and over. I've taken to saying " I'd love to lie to you but, no".
Then I have to launch into my " there are way more similarities than differences" talk. This is usually met with a parent saying but, " he really just needs to get quicker".
Sorry to vent here but 36 years later it still drives..... Read the Full Article.....

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