Saturday, September 15, 2018

US Sports High School Football Update Featuring: North Carolina Football Ball | Vance VS South Mecklenburg - UTR Highlight Mix

Featured Video Below: North Carolina Football Ball | Vance VS South Mecklenburg - UTR Highlight Mix

Presented On US Sports Net By!

Gray Cook and the Fundamental Capacity Screen- 

From The Strength Coach Podcast
For this Special Episode, I put Gray Cook's whole 7 part series on the Fundamental Capacity Screen in one episode.

ACL Links.

Michael Boyle et. al.
We are constantly saying that ACL prevention and ACL rehab is really just good training. The concepts that we espouse here ( the MBSC/ CFSC system) can create a great ACL injury prevention or, a great ACL rehab program. Here are some links to some of the best ACL related articles on the site.
Comprehensive Training Program for Knee Rehab Continuation- Jonas Beauchemin Asst Strength Coach Atlanta Falcons
Jonas does a great job here working through the rehab process based on our methods. Although this is a few years old, it's still excellent.
This one looks at the concept of prevention and, how sound training concepts are the key to ACL injury prevention/ reduction.
Vince does a great job looking at some of the "little things" that often get overlooked.
This is a hugely important piece of the ACL puzzle. Don't forget the good leg! I'm amazed that so many therapists over look this.
And remember, the real key to benefitting from the site is to learn to use the search functions and the forums. For search, type any word into the search box on the top left. Under search fields, click "headlines". That will turn up all articles with that term in the headline ( you can do that for any word but ACL brings up a lot more than what is here.).  
The Forum Search is slightly trickier because you see two search buttons when you are in the forums. You want to use the smaller font one that is slightly lower down. Click "search all forums" and search the same words. There is lots of stuff.

The real learning is on the forum. Don't be afraid to post questions. People are great with help.
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