Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: Global Health News Ep. #27 | Vaccine Safety | Monsanto Verdict | Why Coconut Oil is Healthy

Ty and Charlene Bollinger bring you Global Health News Episode #27! Ty and Charlene cover a number of breaking news segments in the natural health world this week. First, they dive into the recent, groundbreaking ruling regarding the safety of vaccines. Del Bigtree and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently filed a dispute against the Department of Health and Human Services and won. Find out more about the suit and how the DHHS has openly admitted to not having filed any vaccine safety reports in over 30 years.

The Truth About Cancer
A California jury has found Monsanto guilty of failing to warn consumers of its cancer-causing pesticides. We’ve been talking about the dangers of glyphosate for a long time. Listen to the full video for more on this verdict. Why eat organic? Charlene and Ty will share the dangers of modern day pesticides and herbicides that poison our food system. And why choosing organic is crucial for our health. Next, a company pays college students to take capsules of pesticides. We’ll learn more about the Tuskegee experiment, a horrible government experiment on people… And how, in many ways, it’s still happening today. We’ll look at Zostavax, a shingles vaccine produced by Merck, that has been found to cause shingles later in life… and discuss more on the correlation between vaccines and autoimmunity. To end the show, the Bollingers share why coconut oil is NOT poison and that it’s actually one of the healthiest things you can eat. They will reveal the facts around this healthy oil, and point us in the direction of the real culprit.

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