Sunday, September 9, 2018

Police Activity Featuring: Police Dashcam Captures Chase of Reckless Driver in Louisiana and Showing up to work drunk and think nobody else knows?

** (Disclaimer: This video [Below] content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) ** Cody Davis is guilty as charged of six crimes connected to the high-speed chase on Ryan street April 10th. Police video of the high speed chase was critical evidence in the trial of Cody Davis. The video shows him ramming other vehicles out of the way, driving on the wrong side of the road and, prosecutors say, ditching a stolen gun they say can be seen bouncing on the pavement. Calcasieu Assistant D.A. Charles Robinson says the video and audio recordings were key. “I think the dash camera speaks for itself. I don’t think there’s a person who could put eyes on this dash camera and not be absolutely appalled that this happened and thrilled that he’s found guilty,” said Robinson. The pursuit of the convicted felon driving a stolen truck ended in a dramatic crash, all on video. Remarkably no one was killed. Davis took the stand in his own defense saying he kept going because his brakes weren't working. Robinson called it the most ridiculous story anyone ever told on the witness stand. “Davis’s testimony was a pathetic joke. It’s a shame that he was even able to do that.

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He committed perjury in front of that jury. I could not count the amount of lies that this man came up with,” said Robinson. ”And to come in there and testify after we have recorded jail phone calls of him saying I led officers on a high-speed chase, that are in direct contradiction to what he’s saying to the jury. It’s ridiculous." Davis was found guilty of possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, illegal possession of a stolen firearm, aggravated flight from an officer, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, obstruction of justice by tampering with evidence and aggravated criminal damage to property. The jury vote was unanimous on five of the charges but 11-1 on obstruction of justice. Davis will be sentenced at 9 a.m. Nov. 2 and will later be subject to enhanced penalties as a habitual offender. Defense attorneys declined to appear on camera.

Showing up to work drunk and think nobody else knows?
By: Janet Wilkerson

It’s Saturday night and you already are dreading the week ahead. You take and pour glass after glass until you wake up Sunday morning, knowing that the next day begins the work week. You fill your day with meaningless tasks and slip in a drink here and there throughout the day and well into the night. Then Monday morning comes and you find yourself feeling much like the last moments you recall from the previous night. You go through your morning routine and finally stroll into work. Yes, your shirt and pants should have been ironed. Yes, you are running 15 minutes late. And yes, you probably have had more than one talk with your supervisor about your recent behavior. You still think though that no one notices how you truly feel and the state your mind is in. Does this describe you? If so, it’s time you looked into seeking treatment for your addiction, as it could very quickly become the end of your job and then reach further into other facets of your life.

There are many alcohol treatment centers in California available to help you get through this rough time in your life, but choosing the right California alcohol treatment facility isn’t as easy as opening up the local phone book and calling around. There are several different aspects you need to consider. Ultimately you want to get back to your normal life, but that is easier said than done and with going through all of the California alcohol rehab centers you must take several different things into consideration.

When you look at success rates of the centers, always look beyond just what the number the center is posting and ask to speak with past patients or graduates to get the true opinions of those who have already gone through what you are about to embark on; and get their thoughts first hand. You will also want to check into their methods to make sure that they are going beyond just any physical addition you may have and more into the emotional and psychological background of the problem. While price will undoubtedly drive many decisions, you have to ask yourself other questions before eliminating one facility. How long will their services run? How far with they go to help you beat your addiction? What kind of follow-up program do they employ to make sure you continue a sober lifestyle? How qualified are all staff members to help you in your time of need? Each one of these questions is very important if you are going to be dedicating your time, energy and resources to resuming a better way of life.

No longer do you need to find solace in the bottom of a bottle or think that one more drink before you leave for work is going to take the edge off enough to get you through the day. This problem is not just in your head and it’s not something that only you can see. It will affect everything you do and everyone you interact with. Isn’t it time you said "STOP"? You won’t be facing this problem alone, and the right treatment center will do everything they can to make sure you won’t have to face it again. It takes you making the decision to break the trend first, which can often be the hardest step. Deep down you know it is time though for you to return to a sober life, and an alcohol rehab center is ready to help.

My name is Janet Wilkerson; I want the world to know that there is help out there. alcohol treatment centers in California are available for the addicted person and for the person living with an addict.  It is my goal to inform as many people as I can, that addiction is treatable, and with the right programs found through a California alcohol treatment facility.

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