Friday, September 7, 2018

Cops Detain Teen Riding With Grandma, Thinking He's Robbing Her and Make Your Case Stronger By Working with Freehold Personal Injury Attorney

** (Disclaimer: This video [below] content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) ** A teenager in Wisconsin was handcuffed and detained by local police while headed home from church with his grandmother after passerby told cops he was robbing her. Akil Carter, 18, was detained for six minutes Sunday after his grandmother’s blue Lexus was pulled over by officers of the Wauwatosa Police Department. Wauwatosa Police Capt. Brian Zalewski said that an officer on patrol had been flagged down by a black couple who claimed two black men had just robbed a white woman, and were sitting in the back of a blue Lexus. Zalewski said the couple pointed out the car, which was then pulled over by an officer in a “non-approach traffic stop.” He added that the citizen who reported the incident did not stick around to give a formal statement as requested by officers. Video footage of the incident shows police pulling over the Lexus and demanding Carter exit with his hands up. He does, and eventually begins walking backward to where the patrol vehicle is located. After the officer asks his grandmother if everything is OK, she informs them that Carter is her grandson and that they’re headed back to her house from church. “I’m guessing what this sounds like is a really big misunderstanding. I’m not exactly quite sure what’s going on,” the officer tells him as Carter explains that the car’s driver is a friend of his grandmother, and his grandma is the front seat passenger. He is eventually allowed to leave the vehicle. Carter’s attorney Joy Bertrand told that she believes her client was harassed, and has requested all documents relating to the stop, including dispatch records. She said that her team has yet to receive the documents, but will be able to better determine if officers had any reasonable suspicion to conduct the car stop once they do. “We’re really trying to give the police the benefit of the doubt with this,” she said. “(But) nothing they’ve disclosed to the press helps them. The officer’s explanation is so strange. It really points to the question of, ‘What is your motivation?’” RAW Dashcam footage here:

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Make Your Case Stronger By Working with Freehold Personal Injury Attorney
By: Thomas Mallon
Expecting a fair compensation is not that hard, you can definitely demand a good settlement offer if you feel you deserve that value. But if you void focusing on the important points you may fail to get the stronger case. Here are a few ways that can help you get the right judgment if you work with a personal injury attorney.

Majority of the personal injury cases does settle out of the court which means that you may have a chance to settle the case without going to the courtroom. But, not to forget that if case settlements are 60% out of the court there are still 40% remaining where you may get the chances of conducting courtroom litigation. So keeping both the points in your mind as anything can happen over the period of time, make sure that you hire a Freehold personal injury attorney. When you are planning to hire them doesn’t forget to ask whether they hold experience in a courtroom or only out of the court settlements. Remember you have to be with a professional who is an all-rounder when it comes to personal injury cases. Also, there are different ways that help your attorney to make a stronger better case. Here is how you can do it. Firstly you have to cooperate with your professional in order to get done with the case related discussion and then you can expect a fair and better compensation by the best ways to make your case stronger. To ensure that you follow the same process here.

What Information Your Attorney Wants From You?

• How Injury Occurred?

The question’s answer should be honest, clear and in brief, they really want to know from you exactly what happened at the accident scene. If you believe in any way that you are also responsible for the accident in some of the other ways then you must share it without fail. A small doubt or small information that you feel is not really required to be shared should be shared with them. The attorney wants to know how you got injuries, who were the responsible one and so on. Also if you have any kind of documents make sure you submit it to the professional, if not submitting it you can simply give them for better understanding. It can be a proper police report, accident report, witness details, also the photos of the accident scene.

• Where It Occurred?

The next question is where exactly the injury occurred, it can be in any busy traffic area or a highly silent one. You have to give them the proper location details. So if in case there is any camera around they can collect evidence from the camera in order to get a judgment of the accident. In order to make a proper legal theory of your case with the help of the attorney, you do need to submit this information. Why do they want this information? It is because if you were in a workplace your case will be different than if you were injured at someone’s place.

• What about Medical Bills & Wages?

In a personal injury case, the amount of your medical bills, loss of wages, health issues, loss of income and financial stability decreasing is very common. So if you have faced any kind of problems like this, it becomes important for you to explain the Freehold personal injury attorney about it. They may want evidence relating to it. Or if you don’t have any kind of evidence they may ask or interrogate by themselves to your doctor in order to know the medical conditions and bills, or they can speak with your employer to know the number of days you missed your work. This is simply to generate a proper value for your compensation.

How Do The Professional Proceed Further?

• Liable Party

The first thing they will get to know or in fact do a research on is the liable party, even if you have told them you were equally or little bit responsible for the accident, they will not entirely depend on your statement and they will conduct the investigation. With this greeted clues they can consider the liable party and so all the evidence will be placed in a proper documentation that can showcase the party responsible for the accident.

• If There Were Factual Injuries

As you have discussed with them about your medical condition, they are later going to spend some time in interviewing the people like a doctor to know better about your injuries. Remember your attorney may work on contingency fee basis, as the majority of the injury cases professionals work on this fee basis. So it clearly states that only if you receive the compensation you will have to pay to your Freehold personal injury attorney. So if the professional feels that the injury are not that much and you don’t have a strong case, they will ensure to provide this kind of details to you prior so you don’t expect a large settlement. But on the other and if there are severe ones, they will ensure that not a single document is missed.

• Makes Sure You Have No Communication With The Adjuster

The further thing that will be taken into consideration is that you don’t make any kind of contact with the insurance adjuster, even if they try to make contact with you, you need to answer them but that doesn’t mean you will answer every question. Your attorney will come with you in order to attend any meeting with the adjuster. What their tactics are to get statements from you that can be used against your case. So if you handle it alone, identifying the purpose of their questions can be tricky. But with help of the expert, you can stay away from the mess and thus at the end all you can expect from your professional is a far better case.

Without the help of a Freehold personal injury attorney, you won’t be able to make good deals with your case. Thus if you want a stronger case you should prove that you were actually injured and that you have incurred severe damages as well. Now that you are aware of the points that should be followed with respect to your case, don’t make any further delays.

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