Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Blythe Natural Living Featuring: How To Stop Eating Sugar and Overcome Food Addictions and Sure Shot Diabetes Cure

Do you find it difficult to get through the day without sugar? Are you feeling not your best and want a reboot? If so, then I have something for you. I’ve teamed up with 21 other health experts to bring you an awesome free online masterclass called, Unplug From Sugar. [Video Below] We will be covering how and why to let go of sugar. It doesn’t have to be as challenging as you think, and the rewards are many. When you watch the series, you will learn: ⭐️What ailments sugar is contributing to in the body ⭐️Where sugar is hiding. ⭐️Identify what are your real triggers for sugar ⭐️Learn to replace the enjoyment factor ⭐️How to replace sugar ⭐️Update your self image to match what you want And much more….. Learn more here http://blythenaturalliving.com/unplug

Sure Shot Diabetes Cure
By: Louis Richard

Among vast research done on finding a diabetes cure, natural cures for diabetes have been very effective, and without any side effects. These natural cures for diabetes are included in your daily diet and help control your levels of blood sugar.

It has been found that a healthy diet along with vitamin supplements can aid in diabetes cure. Most people find it difficult to put themselves on a natural diabetes cure regime because they love eating junk food. As a result they have to rely on many invasive diabetes cure procedures and remedies to control blood sugar.

The reason so many individuals may have diabetes symptoms and are not diagnosed, is because one symptom of diabetes is a feeling of nausea. This is most likely because we all seem to be working harder and longer than ever before in an attempt to avoid falling behind in our daily routine. Therefore, feelings of fatigue and tiredness are usually associated with the price of living in the 21st century. Another symptom of diabetes is the need to urinate more frequently and usually goes unnoticed. The fact is, however, that all of these can point to the onset of diabetes.

Here are a few cures that have been used through the centuries:

1. Bitter gourd - this is a tropical plant, also known as bitter melon or kerela. Originally grown in Southeast Asia, China, and Africa. You can find it in most health stores. Some health articles recommend taking one tablespoon of bitter gourd daily, on an empty stomach, to reduce your blood glucose levels. Alternatively, you can cook it and eat it as a vegetable along with your meal.

2. Cinnamon - the dried and ground bark has been used as a natural diabetes treatment for centuries. Diabetics have trouble processing the glucose in their body. In trials, cinnamon seems to help the body's fat cells utilize the glucose in the bloodstream which is why it appears to be so effective. Anything that helps the body to process glucose will be beneficial in normalizing blood glucose levels.

3. Chromium supplements - some health experts theorize that the soil used to grow crops today is severely deficient in many of the trace elements that used to naturally reside in the earth. One of these is chromium, which in some tests has shown to provide diabetes patients with substantial improvement from their diabetes symptoms. Chromium is believed to help the body produce insulin as well as to help the insulin already in the body to perform at a greater level of efficiency. As of today, however, there has been no government regulated trials to test the effectiveness of chromium on diabetes.

4. Kino - This medicinal herb has been used in Indian medicines for diabetes treatment for a long time as a treatment for diabetes.

5. European blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) Traditional herbal medicine has been emphasizing on the leaves of this plant species as having a natural sugar lowering action. Otherwise known as bilberry, you can take this herbal remedy by steeping 2 to 3 handfuls of leaves in four cups of hot water for one hour. You need to take 3 cups of the concoction every day. Latest research has also shown that the berries or their extract are even more beneficial.

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