Saturday, September 1, 2018

90 Day Weight Loss Plan

Megan lost 10% body fat in 90 days and learned a healthy new lifestyle with Hitch Fit Online Personal Training! 
I’m so proud of today’s Hitch Fit Transformation Megan! After thinking about doing a Hitch Fit Online Personal Training plan for a long time, she finally decided she was ready after seeing the amazing progress of a friend! She dropped 10% body fat in her 90 Day Weight Loss Plan – Lose Weight Feel Great, and learned the Hitch Fit healthy lifestyle! Her only regret? Not getting started sooner! Way to go Megan!
Megan’s Before and After Weight Loss Stats: 
Starting weight: 150.8
Ending weight: 138.8
Starting body fat: 31.33%
Ending body fat: 20.87%
Megan’s Before and After Weight Loss Photos: 

Megan’s Story and Hitch Fit Online Personal Training Review: 
“I have been active my whole life playing sports, being outdoors, being in the gym.  The past couple of years I was consistently in the gym 5-6 days a week lifting weights and doing cardio trying to get in better shape as the older I got, the harder that seemed to be.  I wasn’t gaining weight, but I also wasn’t seeing any changes, everything was just remaining consistent and I felt stuck.
I had been on the fence about joining Hitch Fit for years, following the success stories, even going online and looking at programs.  It wasn’t until a friend of mine from work went through the Lose Weight program and showed me her before and after photos that I was 100% in and signed up the following week to get started.  I loved watching my body change and was excited to check my progress each week, the only thing I regretted was not signing up years ago when I started looking!
Learning how to train efficiently while in the gym and how to fuel my body with the right foods was huge for me, definitely the game changer I needed. I like to cook and enjoyed coming up with new, healthy recipes that fit my program that I will continue to keep as staples moving forward. I developed such a great routine of prepping my meals each week and planning out my workouts, that it is just a way of life for me now. On top of feeling so much better about myself, I have PR’d in every race I’ve ran since losing weight which is a huge accomplishment for me! I’m looking forward to going through another transformation soon and continuing to watch my body change! ”

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