Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Battle-Ready Workout Plan: Day 2 and The Extended Driving Test - regaining Your Driving License

Mike Counihan with the NYPD and HUMANFITPROJECT demonstrates day two of his multi-purpose program for power, speed, strength, size, and endurance. [Video Below]

The Extended Driving Test - regaining Your Driving License  

By: Russell Chaplin
The Extended Driving Test – Regaining Your Driving Licence

When you have passed your driving test after taking driving lessons in Nottingham and your driving licence is revoked for whatever reason you may be ordered by the courts to take the Extended driving test in order to regain it. Many people who lose their licence have never taken driving lessons, having been taught exclusively by friends and family or indeed may never have passed a driving test at all. This article gives advice on preparing for the extended driving test.
The Extended driving test is much more demanding than the normal L test, lasting 70 minutes instead of the usual 40 minutes and covering a more diverse route including high speed dual carriageways. You will need to train for this with one of the driving schools in Nottingham. Emphasis will be placed on the driver's ability to concentrate for the full duration of the test and attention will be paid to the overall attitude of the drive. Demonstration of one manoeuvre and the emergency stop will be included on the test. You must prove to the examiner that you are capable of driving safely with due consideration for other road users.

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Concentrating for this length of time can be a difficult task especially if you have never had any formal driver training, the mind tends to wander during driving and this seems more the case with people who have never had driving lessons. When this is combined with an attitude where the candidate believes they are already a good driver and have been victimised by the police and courts it can be a real obstacle to improving your standard of driving.
If you have been taught by someone other than a qualified driving instructor you may have a lack of understanding of the rules of the road. This lack of knowledge, particularly of the meanings of signs and road markings can result in your breaking the law unwittingly and incurring points on your licence. A poorly maintained vehicle can lead to infringements such as driving with brake lights out or with worn tyres. Other areas you may fall foul of the law are insurance and licensing requirements. The vehicle must be insured for you to drive and you must hold a full driving licence if unaccompanied.
To prepare for the extended driving test you will definitely need lessons from an experienced professional. Don't be resistant towards what an instructor has to teach you. Ask questions on anything you feel you don't understand to get full benefit from your training. Remember an Instructor is there to help you, not to judge your previous driving habits so relax and enjoy the lessons.
Make sure that the car you intend to drive is roadworthy. Check all lights are working, check tyres have the minimum legal tread depth. Maintenance questions are included on the test so take an interest in the workings of your vehicle. If you can carry out your own maintenance checks it will save you money in the long run and make your driving more enjoyable. Remember that driving should be a pleasure for you and others. Drive courteously and remember it is not a competition, be nice to other drivers and chances are they will be nice to you.
The 'New Driver' act affects any new driver who gets acquires 6 or more penalty points within 2 years of passing the driving test. The license is automatically revoked by the DVLA and the driver is reverted back to a provisional license. Both the theory and practical tests must be passed again and the points gained will stay on the license and count towards any future 'Totting up'. About 14000 new drivers have their licences revoked under this act each year. Take care and make sure that you aren't one of them.

Hello there. My name is Russ Chaplin. I am a DSA approved driving instructor giving driving lessons in Nottingham. I hold the Diploma in Driving Instruction and have passed both the Diamond Advanced and Special driving tests, qualifying me as a Diamond advanced Instructor. I am ORDIT registered to deliver all parts of the Approved Driving Instructor qualifying exams as well as Check test re-assessment and training for existing Instructors.

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