Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Minding Your Business-The Complete Solution: Value Creation Automation

Presented On US Sports Net by Yahoo Small Business!
By: Cordis Technology Llc

Businesses are complex structures that combine processes and functions for the production as well as the delivery of products and services. Automation has been a recent addition to business processes, enabling faster operations and increased efficiency.

Enterprise Resource Planning solutions, Customer Relationship Management programs and even Business Process Management software are quickly losing popularity due to changing trends and requirements. Each solution aims to tackle a specific business area, having its own pros and cons. But no solution promises to take care of entire business problems through advanced technology.

Artificial Intelligence is making waves within the automation industry and has paved way for a technological revolution. But out of all this chaos and search for a better solution, Value Creation Automation has emerged as a leading choice.

Value Creation Automation’s Unique Approach

What sets apart this automation solution is its core approach and concept. The creators of VCA have joined hands to work on a shared vision to transform business functioning for the better. Instead of shoving problem areas and complexity under the rug, Value Creation Automation promises to resolve all issues from the basic core.

Businesses nowadays are struggling to maintain quality and respond to changing market trends within time. Market regulations, compliance, risk control, consumer tastes and plenty of other factors are churning and burning opportunities if uncontrolled.

VCA aims to holistically take care of every business aspect, internal and external through technology combined with artificial intelligence.

End-to-end Automation

Processes are made up of different tasks, each relying on one another. Some tasks fall in diverse business departments and units. For instance, operational processes further connect to delivery and CRM processes to ensure timely delivery. A number of automation solutions are available which tackle certain processes, but fail to be integrated.

VCA works as an end-to-end automation solution. The system is designed to automate processes right from the initial inquiry to end delivery of the product or service. The system provides an external front for consumers through which orders and requests can be placed. This means there is no need for hiring human personnel to take orders. Once an order has been placed, the system triggers the process cycles and allocates resources for the production and completion of the order.

Upon the completion of the product or service, the system sends it out to the delivery department, notifies and updates the customer for collection.

As we can see, VCA tackles entire process cycles with minimal human intervention. The need for an external or additional solution is not needed.

Automation is Setting High Quality Standards

Without quality that meets or exceeds customer expectations, your business won’t survive for long. Automation can help reduce manual intensive tasks, but can is boost quality?

With Value Creation Automation, quality is a standard procedure at every process, task and function level. The system can be programmed to measure quality levels and reduce the defect rate, or even completely eliminate the risk of defected output. Lean Management Principles are embedded within the system and are continuously applied as parameters to detect waste and ensure quality control at its best.

Continuous quality is what VCA aims to give. And at the end of the day, that quality is the value consumers are willing to pay for.

Side by side, consistency in quality is one of the core elements of brand building. If your business keeps delivering high quality products or services, your consumer base is likely to increase.

Letting your business evolve through continuous evolution

Your business structure can’t remain rigid if you want to keep up with changing demands. An ERP or CRM is designed to perform at a certain level without any consideration for changing external factors. To accept change and to innovate, you need a system that naturally evolves through detection of variations and market changes.

Value Creation Automation uses Statistical Process Tools SPC to detect, reaffirm and implement changes in operations. These strategically designed tools lookout for changes in process output and notify for requirement changes. The end results? Process upgradation and room for immediate innovation. You don’t have to spend an entire year’s budget to upgrade your automation system. VCA revolves around the concept of evolution and firmly believes that corporations must seek technological solutions that offer extreme flexibility.

Cordis Technology, a renowned business solution enterprise is reinventing the concept of automation with its high-end solution named "Value Creation Automation".For more visit@ Also visit@ Also contact us on

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