Friday, August 24, 2018

Minding Your Business-Affiliate Marketing Rules

Presented On US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
By: Anthony Harris

If you have been considering getting into affiliate marketing you probably would like to know what the rules are. Even if you already have a web page or blog ready and have chosen your possible niche market, you still need to familiarize yourself with the rules of engagement. Affiliate marketing is not something that is very difficult, after all, you are simply selling someone's products or service, however for as many affiliate companies there are in the world there are different rules you must follow. Most will be similar but things like referral options may vary slightly.

Unless you have several programs you are, trying to keep up with affiliate marketing is simple. The problems come in when you have so many affiliate programs going that you cannot remember the guidelines from one to the other. Affiliate programs are different simply because the companies running them are different. A company is free to set the program up in any way they see fit. Of course, there are similarities as mentioned earlier; this does not mean they are exact copies of one another but that many have similar rules.

The variations are so wide when it comes to affiliate marketing rules. One company may refuse to allow mentioning the brand names they sell on your website and another may insist you not have a particular market in your URL. Due to these differences, you are going to want to read each program fully and be sure that you comprehend it completely. In some cases, if you already have a URL for your site you will not be allowed to participate in a few affiliate programs. The reason for this is you have already gone against the rules for that program.

One common rule you are going to come across with affiliate marketing is the page rank rules. There are companies who will not want you to promote their products if you have a higher page rank than they do. Similarly, if your page ranks better in the search engines you are likely to be disqualified. For instance, let's say your site promoted coffee and you were interested in an affiliate program with Folgers, if your page came up first in search results for keywords like Folgers or coffee you would not be accepted in the affiliate program. The idea is if you are doing better search wise you will be taking business from their site and you could hurt their direct business significantly, and they could be right. It is better for the company to have direct sales rather than affiliate wouldn't you agree?

A great idea when doing multiple affiliate programs is to create a spreadsheet of the different programs and their rules. This will eliminate confusion and tell you exactly what you need to do to participate in the programs. This may be the best step you take when it comes to your affiliate marketing business. Remember many sites that have broken the affiliate rules have been caught and sued. Better, for you to have covered your assets and ensuring you comply with any and all rules that have been given to you by the company.

When all else fails you may find that affiliate marketing software is the way to go. There are many programs available and you should be able to find the one that fits your needs perfectly. These programs are created to help you keep track of your affiliate programs and the rules. Use this software to ensure you are managing your affiliate marketing correctly. In the end, your efforts will pay off and you will be thankful that you followed all the affiliate-marketing rules.

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