Thursday, August 9, 2018

Joyce Meyer Ministries Featuring: Impulsive Behavior - Part 2 | Enjoying Everyday and Never Give Up on Those You Love

There are many areas in our lives in which it's easy to be impulsive. Learn how the Holy Spirit can help you live a stable and peace-filled life. Download or Order Today’s Offer from Joyce at Subscribe to our channel: Follow Joyce on: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

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Never Give Up on Those You Love

Adapted from the resource Trusting God Day by Day DevotionalFacebook
Years ago my oldest son, David, and I were so much alike we could hardly stand each other. He worked in the ministry, and the two of us clashed so intensely, I finally decided to tell him to find another job. I did not want to let him go and hurt him, but I did not believe I could endure the conflict that characterized our relationship. I planned to let him know his presence in the ministry simply was not working, but God spoke to my heart: Don’t give up on David.
Over time, David and I learned to get along well. Now he runs Hand of Hope, our world missions arm, and has opened numerous international offices. I am very thankful for his good work and glad God told me to not give up on him.
When you are tempted to give up on your loved ones, remember David and me. Whether you are believing for someone you love to become a Christian, change their behavior, leave a bad relationship, stop using drugs, go back to school, come home, or get a job, keep believing change is possible. Do not give up on the ones you love; as long as you continue believing, God can keep working. Your love and patience may be exactly what they need to make a complete turnaround.
Love never fails. In other words, it never gives up on people. The apostle Paul describes what love is in 1 Corinthians 13 and mentions that love always believes the best; it is positive and filled with faith and hope. While Jesus was on earth, He gave a new commandment to His followers: that we love one another (see John 13:34). I believe walking in love should be the main goal of every Christian.
God is love (see 1 John 4:8), and He never gives up on us. Let’s choose to live with that same attitude. Believe in the power of love to change and transform anything and anyone.
Prayer Starter: Father, help me to not give up on the people in my life. Help me to truly love them...and trust that You can do the impossible in their lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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