Friday, August 17, 2018

Busy DAD and Business Executive loses Over 80 Pounds of Fat!

Presented on US Sports Net By Hitchfit Online Personal Fitness Training

What an Amazing 86 Pound Weight Loss Journey.  Andy who is a father of 2 and also very busy at work which includes traveling on occasion knew that he had to get control of his health.  We I chatted with him day one we went over goals.  Some of them were to get healthy internally, to lose the fat, to feel great and I threw one in there , to get ABS!! 13 months later Andy did just that dropping 86 lbs.  How did he do it?  He worked hard, he ate right and he stayed consistent.  Its a lifestyle , not a quick fix quick fail type of approach.  He now has the tools to use the rest of his life so he stays healthy and fit.  I could not be more proud of him and I am so excited to see how many people he inspires.

Starting Weight- 263.5 lbs
Stomach- 52″
Body Fat%- 37.03 %
Ending Weight- 177 lbs
Stomach- 36 3/4″
Body Fat%- 13.99 %

Andy Frank Testimonial
I was an active kid growing up, playing baseball, football, soccer, swimming, wrestling and playing several other organized sports from my early youth through high school.  I was no stranger to hard work on and off the field with two a days, conditioning programs and early morning strength training.  Being extremely active, I always found myself relatively fit and healthy.  College was the first time in my life that I found myself without a competitive athletic team of some sort.  Suddenly I was on my own trying to navigate my way through the gym solo – without a coach, without a trainer, and without any teammates to push me.  Yes, there was the occasional pickup game or charity walk, but I lacked the structure and rigor that I had grown up knowing.
As I finished college and entered the white collar, desk-based workforce, I noticed that I drifted further out of shape.  Even though I would take advantage of the corporate gym for strength training and cardio equipment a few times each week, I continued to slowly gain weight and lose my conditioning.   For me it was very gradual, nothing sudden.  But each time I bought a new suit or a few new dress shirts I would notice the sizes getting a little bigger.
Upon getting engaged and setting the date for a destination wedding in Hawaii, I finally snapped out of the routine.  I found a renewed focus towards fitness and managed to buckle down and spend more effort on my diet and exercise.  Six months out I picked a fad diet plan and set a goal for how much I wanted to weigh.  And it worked…sort of.  Leading up to the wedding I hit my goal and lost the weight I had wanted.  I was feeling pretty good.  However, the minute we returned home I started slowly gaining weight again.
Fast forward a few years, I now had two kids and much more responsibility both at home and at work.  This meant several more hours a week at the office and no down time at home.  No time for the gym at either place and no energy even if I had the time.  Our meals shifted from something quick we could throw together to something quick we could take out from a restaurant.  I was growing more and more uncomfortable in my body, and despite my best efforts I couldn’t muster the discipline to drag myself back to the gym with any sort of regularity.  My wife and I had discussed the situation several times and we both felt that we needed a change.
During a work trip, I set up my usual FaceTime with the kids when I got back to the hotel.  After talking for awhile, we said goodnight and began to hang up.  As we were hanging up, my wife quickly snuck in a parting thought just before the dial tone.  “By the way, I signed us both up for a new gym today.  We’ll talk about it later.  Love you, bye.”  Click.  I had 24 hours and a long plane flight to convince myself it was time.
busy dad loses 86 pounds of fat with Hitch Fit
The next week was my first session with Micah at HitchFit.  He pushed me hard…really hard; but the whole time encouraging me and educating me about the science behind his exercise and nutrition.  We established some goals and agreed to a plan that would fit my busy schedule at work and at home.  The first few weeks were tough.  My body was out of shape and I was struggling to get back to a point where I could push it.  However, after month 1 I started losing weight and gaining energy.  At month 2 it snowballed and I started feeling better and working harder.  By month 3 I was running 5-6 miles at a time and starting to see major results in my body.  The nutrition aspects of the program started to get easier too and I was finding ways to make healthy decisions on the road for work and during family trips across the Midwest.
A year later, I am down over 80 pounds and I feel stronger and healthier than ever.   I have higher energy throughout the day and I feel much more comfortable.  I run farther and swim longer than I ever did during my days of team sports.  The change in both my physical and mental state has been phenomenal.  The path was not always easy; I encountered everything from holiday nutrition set backs to a nagging knee injury, but Micah always adapted my plan and kept me motivated.  The results have been amazing and will have a lifelong effect that fad diets could never deliver.  Through the HitchFit plan, I’ve found a way to fill the gaps in the structure and discipline that organized sports once provided – setting new personal goals and pushing myself to achieve them.
I was fortunate enough to go through my transformation program at the same time as my wife.  Together, we were able to keep each other motivated between training sessions and share in the nutrition plan, and we’ve both experienced the rewards of renewed fitness and healthy living.  For others who may have found themselves slowly creeping away from fitness due to the rigorous pace of life or shifts in athletic routines, I encourage you to make a change.  For me, a nudge from my wife and the structure and encouragement at HitchFit made a world of difference and I am so glad I started down this journey.

Program Choice: Weight Loss Plus

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