Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Announcing Cortex: The World’s First Performance Training AI

We founded Volt Athletics to put elite-level training in the hands of athletes everywhere. Each day, our team of strength coaches and engineers works tirelessly at Volt HQ in Seattle to build technology that democratizes access to purposeful, intelligent workouts. We envision a world where everyone, regardless of wealth or talent, has access to incredible training. Today, I’m thrilled to announce a major leap forward towards realizing that vision: the introduction of Cortex™, our revolutionary new performance training AI.
Cortex leverages decades of sport science research, along with Volt’s massive performance training dataset, to bring an unprecedented level of intelligence and precision to each athlete’s plan. The result? Safer, more personalized training—and even better results.
Here's what you need to know about Cortex, the world’s first performance training AI. 

1. Unparalleled Personalization
Athletes are different every day they step into the weight room. Sometimes you’re feeling great and sometimes you’re dragging. Cortex adjusts your training on the fly to match your actual capabilities during each workout. This means Cortex is not only tracking your progress, but learning from every set you complete, adapting and optimizing each step of the way. 
What does this mean for you?
Cortex is hard at work throughout your Volt experience, from the initial creation of your custom training program to ongoing adjustments that keep you on track. You may see Cortex pop up at various times to help optimize your workout. But even if you don’t encounter Cortex during your training, it’s working behind the scenes, leveraging Volt’s growing training dataset to make sure you're getting the best workout on any given day.

2. Smart Sets

If you’re training on our Volt Fueled by Gatorade iOS app, you’ll notice something different in your workout experience: our new Smart Sets feature. Cortex will periodically ask for your feedback and make adjustments to your training from set to set in order to give you the best workout possible. Just input how hard or easy the set felt and Cortex will adjust your workout in real time to push you to just the right level. The result is less guesswork and more accurate guidance throughout your workout.

3. Big Data Insights

With over 250,000 athletes in the Volt Family spread across 120 countries, Cortex has access to an ever-growing, rich, and powerful set of data from which to derive insights. As each athlete trains, Cortex gets smarter, bringing more precision to everyone in the Volt Family. With Cortex, Volt is pushing the boundaries of fitness technology and bringing unprecedented levels of intelligence and guidance to everyone. 
And the best part? We’re just getting started. 
Dan Giuliani, MA, CSCS, RSCC, is a certified strength coach, a co-founder of Volt Athletics, and an adjunct professor of Sports Performance at the University of Washington.
Learn more about Dan and read his other posts | @DanGiuliani

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