Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Eating Tips

From Hitchfit Online Personal Fitness Training

Tips To Eat Healthy

Eat to live or live to eat. Learn how to be a picky eater and lose those bad food attitudes!
How To Be A Picky Eater

How To Be A Picky Eater

How To Be A Picky Eater I know what you’re thinking: “Isn’t being a picky eater something we’ve been taught to avoid?” Yes! However, when you’re trying to live a happy, healthy lifestyle in today’s world, being picky is your only option. Here are some...
Eat to Live or Live to Eat

Eat to Live or Live to Eat

Eat to Live or Live to Eat Do you Eat to Live or Live to Eat? Do you Eat to Live or Live to Eat? Ask yourself this question. Do you live to eat or eat to live? I get emails everyday with people upset because they cannot seem to lose weight,...
Late Night Cravings

Late Night Cravings

Late Night Cravings Do You Have Late Night Cravings? I get the question all the time of “Are cheat meals ok?” “What do I do about late night cravings” There are many ways of looking at it. This really depends on the individual and their goals. ...
5 Reasons You Don’t Need a Cheat Day

5 Reasons You Don’t Need a Cheat Day

5 Reasons You Don’t Need a Cheat Day We all want to live long, full, vivacious lives. Good health is the key to achieving this goal. In order to do this, we work incredibly hard and we make sacrifices. The road to good health is paved with blood, s...
Bad Food Attitude

Bad Food Attitude

Bad Food Attitude! Want to Lose Weight? Lose your BAD Food Attitude! Do you have a BAD "Food Attitude"? If you want to lose weight, shed fat and own the fit and healthy body you've always dreamed of, step #1 is to Lose the 'Tude! Do you snub vegetables?...
Food Cravings

Food Cravings

Food Cravings How to Fight Food Cravings in the New Year Check out the January 6, 2016 segment on Fox 4 News  Kansas City with Hitch Fit owners Micah & Diana LaCerte Discussing: How to Fight Food Cravings in the New Year! 
The Keys to a Sound Mind and Body

The Keys to a Sound Mind and Body

The Keys to a Sound Mind and Body The practice of dietary and applied clinical nutrition for a wholesome lifestyle and holistic healthcare is based upon the following, time honored foundational principles:   “ A sound mind, in a sound b...

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