Thursday, July 12, 2018

Dr. Joyce Meyer Featuring: The Parables of Jesus: The Good Samaritan - Part 1

Christ's parables help us see hidden truths about ourselves. Today, Joyce teaches what it truly means to love your neighbors as you love yourself. [Video Below] Order Joyce's Living in the Word package today for a donation of $40 or more at Follow Joyce on: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

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Mountains into Molehills

Adapted from the resource New Day New You Devotional - by Joyce MeyerThe Samaritans who came against the Israelites as they were building the temple of the Lord had become like a mountain of human obstacles, frustrating them and preventing them from doing what God had commanded them to do. 
That may be the situation in which you find yourself right now as you read these words. You may feel that the Lord has told you to do something but that the enemy has thrown up a mountain in your path to frustrate you and prevent you from carrying out the Lord's will. If so, I know just how you feel because that is exactly the way I used to feel. 
The problem is one of perspective. In this passage the Lord tells Zechariah that the problem facing the Israelites, although it may appear to be a mountain, is actually a molehill. 
How would you like for all your mountains to become molehills? They can, if you will do what God is saying here and look not at the problems but at the Lord and His power. If God has told you to do something, it is certainly His will that you not only begin but that you also finish it. 
Prayer Starter: Father, I thank You that You are greater than every obstacle in my life. Please help me to keep my eyes on You and never give up on seeing Your will come to pass in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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