Sunday, July 22, 2018

Argentina's Youth trains in Karate for the YOG 2018 | Youth Olympic Games and The External Energy Balancing (Wei Qi Zhi Liao) “Wei Qi Gong” as taught by Professor Duan, Zhiliang. Complete Instructions.

The Movement to bring Karate to the Olympics began in the 1970's; now it's making its debut at the Youth Olympic Games 2018 in Buenos Aires. [Video Below]

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A group of young Argentinian athletes is already training very hard to compete at the YOG in their own country. Join the upcoming Karate stars who hope that these Games will be the beginning of their sports career.

The External Energy Balancing (Wei Qi Zhi Liao) “Wei Qi Gong” as taught by Professor Duan, Zhiliang. Complete Instructions.
By: Laddie Sacharko

800 year old energy balancing technique previously reserved to the Imperial Families of ancient China revealed, described in detail. Personal transmission of technique given to author by one of China's "Living Treasures" Ninety-Something Professor Duan Zhiliang. It has never been taught anywhere else in the US by Professor. This technique "energy balancing" can be used to assist in the reilef of stress, in pain management, or simply to induce a deeply relaxed state for a partner.

In October of 2001, Professor Duan Zhiliang visited Starfarm for 2 days, as part of a US “tour” to promote Chinese Healing and Martial Arts. Professor Duan is a “90 something, nearing 100” year old Qi Gong Master, who carries his experience from inside the Forbidden City Walls into the information age of the 21st century. He is one of China’s “Living Treasures”.

Duan began training at age six in the martial and healing arts as the son of a long line of men who served the emperors of the Ming & Qing Dynasties as body guards and doctors. Duan himself claims to have served Pu Yi, the last emperor (which if true, would have been after the rise of the republican period). He continues his medical practice in Beijing, operating 2 clinics, where he and his wife Tian, also a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor daily treat patients with a combination of Herbal remedies, Acupuncture, Tui Na, and Qi Gong. From personal experience with him, I can say that Professor Duan is also a very able adversary in the martial arts, and practices daily with the joy and exuberance of a child at play.

Professor Duan was asked to observe a Usui Reiki healing session, and shown the basic hand position chart in order to help him understand the question that began the whole process: How is Rei Ki like or unlike Wei Qi Zhi Liao (external qi healing)?

His response to the proposition was thoughtful and thorough, but his bias was clear. After his observation of the Reiki application, Duan remarked that the technique was too generalized, that each and every patient required a different application, based on their unique body, and condition. He told us that some patients would require several days of herbal medicine prior to a treatment with energy because they were too weak. Duan said that the “...application of energy for healing should follow a balancing of energy…”, and that “...most of the unbalanced energy would be found in the head of the patient…” Professor then began a demonstration of a В“specialВ” (his word) technique for drawing excess energy down from the head, and balancing the whole body. It is simple and profound. I call it Wei Qi Gong.

Your partner should be made comfortable lying on the back. Brace their knees and neck with pillow or rolled towel to support these areas as needed. If lying on the back creates discomfort, your partner can lie on one side and then the other as you work the lines of touch. You may find it easier to have your partner “lie” into a soft chair, one side, then the other.

With a gentle touch (pressure sufficient to keep your cloth from falling from between your hands and no more), lay one hand (we’ll call it an anchor) at the middle of the chest where the clavicles are joined. With the other handВ’s thumb, make tiny circling strokes* under the clavicle from the middle of the chest out to the middle of the arm, at the shoulder. Repeat this stroke for a total of 3. Move to the other clavicle and repeat.

Anchoring the shoulder, stroke the circles down the outside of the arm to the wrist, 3 times. Repeat other arm.

Return to the original anchor point, this time stroke the circles down the center of the ribs. 3 times.

Optional middle line: from the clavicle down the ribs through the nipple area to the base of the ribs. 3 times.

Side of rib cage: from the clavicle down to the base of the rib cage. 3 times.

Move the anchor to the center of the base of the rib cage, stroke the circles under the last rib, from the center of the rib cage, to the line you stroked previously down the side of the ribs. 3 times. Repeat other side.

Lay both hands under the ribs, and gently draw them apart, following the base of the ribs, to the sides of your partnerВ’s midriff, and then to the middle of the hips. 3 times.

Legs: Female. Place the anchor on the hip, and stroke the circles down the middle of the outside of the leg to the foot. 3 times. Repeat other leg. Legs: Male. Anchor the hip and stroke the circles over the top of the leg, in close to the groin, to the middle of the inside of the leg, down to the foot. 3 times.

Hold the palm of one hand above the forehead, a foot or so above, and wait until you feel your partnerВ’s energy (warmth) rise.

From the neck downward, begin to apply a balancing energy, gently waving small strokes downward towards the feet. Do not circle the hands or wave them to and fro, simply, gently, push energy down your partnerВ’s body with your hand slightly cupped (beautiful lady’s palm), palm towards the feet.

Also suggested is a slow straight line traced by the thumb, or a gentle kneading between the thumb and fingers. Optional middle line of ribs is not required, it’s use is based on the sense of propriety between partners.

The Wei Qi Gong process can take as little as 15-20 minutes. The partner will feel good even at that pace. I have found that if the paced is slowed down, and the partner is kept engaged in the process with periodic directives to current sensation or pleasant memories, the affect will be deeper.

People with any kind of background in Energy work will view the procedure and try to leap to conclusions based on that experience. Professor DuanВ’s demonstration and explanations were kept very simple, and focused on technique rather than theory. He made no mention of specific meridians, chakras, or centers of energy. He merely described and demonstrated the methodic movement of energy through the systematic application of touch in order to achieve a balance of energy in the partner. Duan remarked on several occasions, when asked “why” with the simple, definitive: “It is Traditional”. Professor sang, prayed, and quietly talked with his partners as he worked, he used the sound of his voice to help in the process.

In order to keep my partner from engaging in idle or distressing thoughts, which would theoretically pull energy back up into the head, I ask them to observe for the perception of colors and changes of color behind closed eyelids. Sometimes I will ask them to follow the sensations in their own body directly under the stroke of the thumb. I have found that giving these suggestions regularly, but not too often keeps them in the partnership, and increases the degree of mental quiet. The idea is to keep them fully engaged in the process, not too talkative, and to feel the downward movement in each segment of the process.

The Wei Qi Gong process can take as little as 15-20 minutes. The partner will feel good even at that pace. I have found that if the paced is slowed down, and the partner is kept engaged in the process with periodic directives to current sensation or pleasant memories, the affect will be deeper.

As with Traditional teaching, a great deal of what happens is based on trust. Partners who have known me for a while, and trust in me, have found the profound quiet undisturbed by intrusive thought. They have preferred to sit quietly after and enjoy the fullness of their body, and the emptiness of their mind. Trust the process. It has been passed on trust for generations.

More information on this technique can be found at the author’s website:

EXPECTATIONS: A Disclaimer. “Healing and medicine are two very different disciplines and the law requires the following disclaimer: The information in this book is not medicine but healing, and does not constitute medical advice. In case of serious illness, consult the practitioner of your choice.” This quote is from Essential Reiki, by Diane Stein, and I think it is important to keep this idea in mind when working with others. Try and help, but keep your ‘client’ grounded in a realistic frame of mind. Remember also, to keep yourself grounded in reality with this idea: “It is the primary role of the physician, whether the African witch doctor or the modern doctor, to entertain the patient while secretly waiting for nature to heal the disease.” Albert Schweitzer, as quoted by Roger Jahnke, The Healer Within.

800 year old energy balancing technique previously reserved to the Imperial Families of ancient China revealed, described in detail. Personal transmission of technique to author by one of China's "Living Treasures" Ninety-Something Professor Duan Zhiliang. It has never been taught anywhere else in the US by Professor. Instruction available on DVD 1 Hour. 

Laddie Sacharko has been a student of Tai Chi and Qi Gong for more than 18 years, offering instruction from his private studio, in community and senior centers. He has travelled to China, Tibet, through the US and Canada in persuit of this passion. Contact Laddie at or visit the website:

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