Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Resident Physician Drops 51 lbs To Get Healthy and Fit

Presented on US Sports Net By Hitchfit!

What an amazing story to share with you today.  Brock was living an unhealthy lifestyle due to working 90+ hours per week during his residency.  He knew he had to take control of his life and health again he dropped 17 lbs on his own then contacted Hitch Fit.  In 15 weeks he dropped another 33.5 lbs!! SO proud of you my friend
Starting weight- 214 lbs
Stomach- 38.5″
Body fat- 24%
Ending Weight- 180.5 lbs
Stomach- 32.5″
Brock’s Story
As a new resident physician, my first two months of internal medicine rotations proved to be unhealthy. I worked a very stressful 92 hours each week, if driving time is included. When not heavily engaged in patient care or rushing to manage an emergency code, I was scarfing down an abundance of fresh seafood, steaks, ice cream, cappuccinos, and other delicacies available in the physician’s lounge. There was no time for exercise. Consequently, I gained over thirty pounds during these two months.

I wanted to finish medical residency in excellent health. I attempted to lose the weight on my own but only lost 17 pounds before realizing that I needed to contact my friend and former supervisor, Micah LaCerte (aka Hitch Fit), to accomplish my goals. I spent the next fifteen weeks following his individualized fitness and nutrition instructions in detail. I woke up each morning to run five miles, and spent each evening lifting weights for an additional 1-1.5 hours. During this 15-week period, I lost 33.5 additional pounds (from 214 pounds to 180.5 pounds) while gaining strength and a sense of well-being and accomplishment. My total weight loss was 51 pounds! I highly recommend Micah’s fitness challenge to those looking to look and feel their personal best.
Program Choice: Fitness Model

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