Monday, June 18, 2018

Joseph Prince Recent Messages Featuring: Joseph Prince - Give Jesus Your Cares And Live Stress-Free (Live @ Lakewood Church) Managing Pressure at Home

Did you know that living stress-free is your blood-bought right? Preaching in Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, Joseph Prince shows you how you’ve been redeemed from stress, and how stress-free success comes when you learn to follow God’s ways of rest. Become undevourable to the enemy when you give every care to the Lord, and see His grace cover every demand when you are conscious of His supply. Whatever your challenge, when you let go of your worries and let Jesus take care of the need, you’ll enjoy His peace that the world cannot replicate and even see divine restoration for your losses! [Video Below] Get the full message at: - Find us at:

Managing Pressure at Home
By: Glenise Anderson

Working women have extra responsibilities and stresses to deal with. Not only do the stress and responsibility of the workplace need to be dealt with, the pressures of home must be dealt with as well. This often creates a lot of stress to those who feel they are unable to cope.

For women who have careers and families to take care of, unfortunately anxiety and stress becomes an integral part of their lives. This sometimes makes life difficult, as balancing things is a tough job. Balancing the responsibilities of work and home is quite challenging and women feel they need to do both perfectly.

In order to manage the pressures which are found in the home, the first thing required is for the family to be an understanding one. If the family understands they all need to pitch in and help, particularly during stressful times, the burden on the woman automatically. In order to manage, a woman should sit her family down and talk to them about the responsibilities which she has to undertake. Giving each member of the family their own tasks to complete is a good idea. When everyone contributes, the burden is minimized. Family are teams, and when everyone does their little bit to help, it helps keep the woman sane and the stress levels down to a minimum - physically or mentally.

Another way in which you can manage stress at home is to believe that you have the ability to do so! Believing in oneself helps a great deal and increases motivation. By believing you have the skills and capabilities of performing the tasks required of you, there is no force which can prevent you from doing the things you want to achieve. Sometimes it’s worth taking a step backwards, assessing where you may need to learn something to help you move through your life a little easier. Courses on time management, decision making (learning when to say no!) and getting organized can be invaluable in alleviating stress.

It’s these skills, which will help you live in the present moment. They will help you focus on home when you’re there and leave work at work. Constantly thinking about work while you are at home, is not only stressful, it’s exhausting. Everyone needs down time! Relaxation time is when the mind and body regenerate to give you the energy to continue.

If you have faith in yourself and in your abilities, there is no need to think about the outcome which may the result of your actions. Everyone does their best, where they are in that moment. There will be some difficult decisions you will have to take within the family environment – have confidence you are making the right decision and move on.

Another way stress can be managed is to deal with everything with an open mind. Look at things from other people’s perspectives. If you are having a problem, ask someone who has already been through the same thing.

Either way, accept that outcomes are not within your control. Live in the moment, do your best and manage whatever happens from your and other people’s decision.
Glenise Anderson is a successful business woman who wants to share her knowledge and skills with other women. Her organization Self Confident Women, provides tailored education solutions that meet the personal and professional development needs of women. Development and Training Courses for Women

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