Sunday, June 10, 2018

Inside a hostage rescue training center and What is Verbal Self Defense And Can It Be Applied To Your Everyday Life?

After the siege in Sydney, Martin Savidge visits a training center where rescuers learn to save lives in hostage crises.[Video Below]

What is Verbal Self Defense And Can It Be Applied To Your Everyday Life?
By: Mandy Jane Clarke
It is becoming commonplace to cuddle up on the couch for the evening news and hear about someone walking into a business and opening fire or holding hostages at the local bank. We seem to be desensitized to how shocking these things should be, but violence has saturated our world and we respond as if it is just a natural part of life. This is exactly why everyone should learn at least the foundation principles of verbal self defense.

On first thought it doesn't seem like knowing how to verbally defend yourself will help if you are attacked unexpectedly, held hostage, or confronted by an armed madman. In some cases you don't have time to implement any form of verbal self defense, but you would be surprised how much time you do have in the majority of situations.

Verbal self defense can be easier to learn than you might think, highly effective, and a very effective skill to possess. Are you ready to learn more about it?

The streets of our country are no longer safe.
Criminals hide in plain sight, searching for the next easy mark.
And it’s not getting better.
Last year violent crime in the United States rose 4.1 percent.
Increasing your risk every time you step out your front door.
• American patriots must have a way to defend themselves.
• Americans patriots deserve to feel safe in their daily life.
• Americans patriots need to be able to fight back.

Which is why I’ve spent months re-designing the Strikepen Black™
Building on all of the customer feedback and tests from the first version.
We’ve upgraded our signature Strikepen to make it lighter, more powerful, and deadly.
And as a thank you to all of our local customers, I’m releasing the first shipment of this product FREE to a select group of American patriots.
That’s right.
You get the premier tactical pen on the market, completely free.
I’ve got a long list of self-defense experts, retailers, and shoppers who have been waiting for this release. But we’re sending the first batch FREE to our friends.
American patriots have the right to be able to protect themselves and their family.
But there’s only a limited number.

Quick Intro to Verbal Self Defense

There are many different situations in which verbal self defense can be used effectively. You can use it in everyday situations where you just don't want to deal with someone who is upset or behaving irrationally, but it becomes critical when you are in a situation with someone who presents a real danger to you and others. If you know how to defend yourself verbally you will know how to get out of these situations or talk someone down before things get to the point of real danger.

You may be able to take a Saturday afternoon seminar and learn how to physically defend yourself from an attacker, but learning verbal self defense takes more time. It relies heavily on psychological principles and requires some thought, understanding and practice. Yet, once it is learned you will be more confident when it comes to confrontations whether they are serious or not.

Verbal self defense rests on the notion of determining the true intentions or problems of the person you are encountering. If you can figure out what they want and what is motivating their behavior you can find self defense strategies that will diffuse the situation without further violence.

Verbal Self Defense & Your Ordinary Life

Learning verbal self defense will bring big changes to the way you interact with other people at home, at work, and complete strangers on the street. You will become more conscious of the behaviors and attitudes of others and will know just how to respond to them so you don't have to deal with any unnecessary drama or trauma. To get to this point it takes studying verbal self defense and lots of daily practice.

Your body naturally goes into fight or flight mode when presented with a perceived threat, but in most cases the threat is not real or is not worth getting alarmed over. When you know verbal self defense you will know how to shut down this unnecessary reaction so more logical actions can be taken.

All it takes to transform your life through verbal self defense is a thorough understanding of the practice and actually applying it through daily life situations. This training may not pay off in every critical situation, but you will be amazed how many frustrating or dangerous situations in which it does come in useful. © By Mandy-Jane Clarke

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