Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Hitchfit Online Personal Training Presents: Weight Loss for Mom of FIVE!

Mother of FIVE. That’s right, I said FIVE. I’m sure that if you’re a mom, you can relate to at least some degree to how Sarah was feeling when she decided the time was right to being her Hitch Fit journey. She wasn’t taking care of herself, she was taking care of her family, and in the meantime her own body and health were deteriorating. She prayed on it, and what a blessing to hear that God showed her Hitch Fit. I always believe that the clients who are right for Hitch Fit, who we can help with their journey, are going to be led to us. That’s what happened for Sarah. She knew that she needed to take care of herself to be her best for her family and for God’s great purpose for her life! Throughout her Hitch Fit Lose Weight Plan, she shed body fat and regained her strength and energy. I’m SO proud of you Sarah!! What an inspiration you are!
Sarah’s Stats:
Starting weight: 161.4
Ending weight: 144
Starting body fat: 44.11%
Ending body fat: 25.26%
Sarah’s Story:
I first discovered Hitch Fit Online Personal Training about 3 yrs ago when I was pregnant with baby number 5! I loved the idea of having the accountability of personal trainers right in my own home. Well, I had my son, and I decided to try to tackle my goals on my own-for whatever reason.
It wasn’t until October of 2016 when I came to a very dark place in my life. Over that summer and spring it had grown progressively worse.
My husband was traveling and working a lot, I was homeschooling/ raising 5 children, and I just let myself go.
Before I knew it I had missed 3 months in the gym and I was eating sugar around the clock as a coping mechanism. I grew quite unhappy mentally, physically, and spiritually.
I was so frustrated with myself because I am a personal trainer and I am a woman who has always helped others – and been able to just pull myself together. This time I couldn’t. There was many days i didn’t even care anymore, but deep down I knew I was called to care.
I prayed and prayed for God to rescue me. God once again showed me Hitch Fit and confirmed that it was time to ask for help. My husband 100% supported me and my decision to hire Diana and Micah as my online trainers!
After reaching out to them, I felt such a load come off of my shoulders and I knew that God was showing me that this is a season of accountability and obedience.
I started the program and it was very hard for me to adjust mentally for about 2 weeks. After that I started to really feel good and see changes! This was not a quick fix and my body didn’t change as fast as I had initially thought it would. But I stuck with it, and stayed consistent and patient, and over the course of the last 5 months my body has completely transformed! Time will pass regardless of what we do with it- we might as well do something worth while.
My plan as I move forward is to live by a lot of the Hitch Fit principles that I was given by my Hitch Fit instructors. There is life long habits that I made and I never want to stop them! I have made my workouts and my meal plans as important plans on my schedule. I no longer feel guilt or sadness when I need to take care of myself! I see now that my whole family is happier when I am healthy and doing what I am called to do. My husband has been so inspired watching me and he has also committed to living a healthy lifestyle. He just registered us for a marathon together!
The Hitch Fit program has blessed my life and the life of those around me. I am so grateful for it!

Check out the Hitch Fit Faith Based Weight Loss Plan – Faithfully Fit

Program Choice: Lose Weight

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