Monday, June 18, 2018

Hitchfit Online Personal Fitness Training Presents: Find Your Purpose on US Sports Net!

For many of us, struggle seems to be a part of our daily routine. Much like our morning coffee, or daily Hitch Fit email of encouragement, tough days and troubling situations occur more frequently than we would like.
How do you deal?
Viktor Frankl, an Austrian existential psychologist, stated that “in some way, suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds meaning, such as the meaning of a sacrifice.” Frankl, whose experiences included Nazi concentration camps, found a way to deal with his incredible troubling situation by discovering meaning in it. Nietzsche also weighed in on this topic of concentration camp survivors, commenting that “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”
What’s my purpose?
Purpose, in life in general, should be about giving, and not getting. In order to find true purpose, we must look for more than success and happiness. These two things are the results of finding purpose. Aiming at success will only allow you to miss it! Pursuit of success is a much harsher trail than pursuit of your purpose in life. Once purpose is found, success naturally follows. To find yours, your values, passions, and strengths should be considered. What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing 24/7? What do you value most in life? The intersection of these answers is where you will find your purpose.
Now, practically live out your purpose!
For those of you who want to make money – psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky claims that only about 10 percent of happiness comes from things like fame, money, and status. If that’s the case, it would behoove you to sacrifice just a little bit of that money to pursue something that will produce true and unprecedented happiness!
How are you living out your purpose? Tell us in the comments below!
At Hitch Fit, our passion to help others find their happy, healthy place in life is what has driven us to our incredible world-wide success. Our strengths lie in assisting others with healthy choices – in diet, exercise, and life! Come see what we’re up to this week, and how we’ve helped our most recent fitness athletes.

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