Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Cedar Park Police Department Recruiting Video and Criminal Justice: A rewarding Career

CPPD Recruiting Video Below

Criminal Justice: A rewarding Career
By: John Davis
There is one certain fact that is confirmed everyday, no matter where you live: crime is always present. While it is not a desirable activity in any society, it does inadvertently create many jobs. A career path in criminal justice is a highly respected profession that is always in need of new, bright talent. That talent is cultivated, and after college, can develop into an invaluable addition to the judicial system. Selecting a degree in criminal justice could be the best decision you will make as you step onto a path that opens many doors down the road.

Every single day, the government is fighting to rid us of our rights.
• The right to speak our minds.
• The right to bear arms.
• The right to exercise our own free will.

And it’s only going to get worse.
I believe law abiding citizens should be free to go about their business without being detained or molested by officers of the law. To feel secure in their own homes.
To have a way to defend themselves without being considered a criminal.
Trouble is, you’re the only one playing by the rules.
The criminals don’t care they’re breaking the law. Carrying weapons in public places. Attacking innocents for a quick cash grab (or worse).
To combat this growing threat, we’ve developed a new self-defense item.
To fight back when the situation calls.
It’s called the Strikepen Black™
A discreet self-defense tool that you can carry with you at all times.
And for today only, this highly sought-after product is being offered to a select group of Americans. We want to get this product in the hands of the people who really need it.
For FREE. (No tricks. No scams. No hidden fees).
You pay the postage and we’ll send a top-of-the-line Strikepen to your home.
I just wish we had more to give away.
Do it before it’s too late!

Regardless of your mentality or areas of talent, anyone can find a position suited to their strengths after graduating with a degree in criminal justice. Of course, the first step is to find a properly accredited college that offers a degree program for it. It will will include a wide range of knowledge about the criminal justice system. This will envelope theories concerning criminal patterns of behavior and their affects on society, as well as much more. As a student in the program, you will gain insight into the different perspectives, such as the view from the side of public administration, psychological, philosophical, victim and corrections aspects. Each area offers its own special track, requiring a different set of strengths and interests. However, they all begin in criminal justice.

The best thing to do is find an accredited college that not only offers a degree program in criminal justice, but an externship, like ASA: The College for Excellence. The externship allows a student in the program to gain real world experience by interacting with professionals in the field. The knowledge that can be garnered from such a program is immeasurable and will go a long way to helping a student choose which area in criminal justice they feel they would best belong. Those that have studied criminal justice now hold positions as police, social workers, corrections officers, lawyers, judges and even politicians. Each of those positions gives a person the chance to make a real difference in the world around them, changing it for the better. You will not just be selecting a great career, but also a rewarding experience.

Choose an exciting career path in criminal justice. The world needs more people that are willing to stand up for what is right. Supporting the system that keeps us all safe will add an element of pride to your life that was never there before. Become a pillar of your community and a role model for the young.

Read more about Criminal Justice at www.asa.edu

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