Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Truth About Cancer LIVE - Holistic Health Event (Replay)

The Health Ranger Mike Adams was the first speaker at The Truth About Cancer Live 2016. He gave an amazing speech that covered everything from nutrition to how your body was made to heal itself as long as you provide it with the proper building blocks. He also spoke about how big business doesn’t want you to have the information you need to stay healthy or even prevent cancer. “You aren’t born to be diseased.”- The Health Ranger On his website Natural News, you can find information ranging from how you may be able to prevent cancer to the dangers of medication. [Video below]

Supplement Therapy Goes Mainstream
By: Dr.bill Stillwell


Up there...just a ways north...we have Canada, and Canadians, who we don't often hear much about, unless it's hockey season and there is a good Canadian team, which there hasn't been for some time.

But one thing is certain, up there in the frigid cold: Canadians take a whole lot of vitamin supplements to improve their health.

Here is a telling sign of the times.

So many millions of Canadians are using supplements that medical students are now learning about them in school.

Dr. David Rayner, associate dean of undergraduate medical education at the University of Alberta (think Calgary) says that "a big proportion of our patients...33 to 50 percent...are using complimentary and alternative therapies outside the mainstream of medicine. There's no way that's we're going to change that, so we take the standpoint that medical students have to know about complementary therapies and they have to know something about the interface between regular biomedical theory and the complementary and alternative approaches."

What that means is that they are moving, ever so slowly, to teach that prevention and supplementation might be a good thing, even though their patients are way ahead of them.

The old joke in medicine is that no changes occur until one generation of doctors is dead and buried, but the public can force changes, as is going on here. And the other thing to consider is this: If mainstream medicine was working so well...why is there such a demand for alternative therapies?

One reason is that the public is less and less willing to use medicines that have so many side effects, and which need other drugs to accompany the first. Or drugs that cost a lot of money, but have very marginal success rates. Like statins, for instance.

Fish oil and CoQ10 do a much better job for your heart than statins, but under the hurricane of drug company advertising, you would never know it.

And that hurricane starts in medical school, where almost every possible event is sponsored by a drug company. There really is no such thing as an independent drug study. They are all sponsored (bought and paid for) by big pharma. The recent scandalous debacle at Harvard is an example.

An extremely influential doctor had sold his soul to a drug company, and published documents for a dozen years that supported all of that companies drugs, and it turned out that the work was completely falsified.

But it all bore the Harvard Medical School impramatur, or seal.

We don't have that problem. All of our ingredients are natural, and they don't have any significant side effects. Your stomach isn't going to become gassy, you won't have any digestion problems, your bones aren't going to ache, and you aren't going to get slow and be in a drug-induced fog.

Quite the opposite. It should be much like taking your car in for a tune-up, getting it back, and going "WOW! I should have done this earlier."

Dr. Bill is an orthopaedic surgeon and author. He recommends this pharmaceutical grade fish oil for more energy, reduced joint pain and increased heart health.

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