Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Yahoo Small Business Presents: Automatic Ebook Writing Software Released on US Sports Net!

Automatic Ebook Writing Software Released

By: Curt Dalton


SANE-GEN (Automated Niche eBook Generator)

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SANE-GEN, an Automated eBook and Report Generation Tool capable of retrieving the latest, most talked-about information pertaining to any chosen niche market, and then professionally crafting "Free Reports", eBooks and customized Opt-in Pages (or "Squeeze Pages") for the said niche market, at the very click of a button, is the latest robust addition to the already powerful arsenal of Internet Marketing tools that The Internet Time Machine has boasted of since early 2010.
Internet Marketers all over the world are always looking to deploy products in existing or new and trending niche markets. The task of deploying a new product or building a subscriber base for a new or existing niche market consists of the following basic steps on the part of the Internet Marketer conducting the project:

1.Finding the Niche Market itself, a task that requires weeks, months and possibly years of market investigation.2.Researching the Niche Market to establish Consumer Demand and Product Supply, levels of product saturation (are there already some or more than just some products out there catering to this niche market), Advertiser Competition, Search Volume (are people looking for the product on search engines) and MOST IMPORTANTLY, "Mentions Volume", i.e. Are people actually talking about the niche market, and as a result, indirectly forming social groups of consumers who are going to need products in this niche market.3.Keyword Research for the niche market decided upon, and the development of products to suit niche consumer demand.4.And finally, development of promotional materials such as Introductory Reports and subscriber opt-in pages attempting to convince niche consumers of how they can benefit from the products developed in Step (3), providing these Introductory Reports, more popularly known as "Free Reports" in the Internet Marketing world, as proof of concept as well as a statement of benefits to the consumer as a result of subscribing to the program.
The Internet Time Machine has set itself a place in Internet Marketing history by not only providing its members with access to a complex Text Analytics & Market Classification Platform in the form of The Internet Time Machine Platinum User Interface, that studies over 60,000,000 sources of consumer data online (e.g. Blogs, Forums, News portals, Public Mailing Lists, IRC Channels, Polls, etc.) and discovers new trending niche markets based on what people are talking about and the inherent "sentiment" of all consumer conversations that are discovered by the ITM every day, and provides carefully analysed "Niche Keywords" as a result.
This allows Step (1) above to be executed by Internet Marketers in record time. The ITM brings information pertaining to new niche markets TO its users, allowing them to immediately dive into Steps (2) and (3) using those niche keywords, and develop products for the trending market in question. A procedure that previously took, on average, many months to achieve, was reduced in January 2010 to simply logging into the ITM and selecting Niche Markets of one's choice, when The Internet Time Machine was officially launched and made available to the public.
Step (4) however, is what requires a lot pain-staking effort on the part of Internet Marketers and Copy-Writers. Reports need to be written on most occasions to allow niche consumers to see the benefits of the new products that have been developed.
This means that a lot of content needs to go into these reports that has nothing to do with the product features, but discusses the actual need for a product in the niche market itself.
Well-written, subject-driven, precise content in a Free Report is ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL. It's what makes or breaks the path of a prospect to the product Sales Funnel.
The content in a report speaks on the subject, brings various different points of view, problems, case studies and proposed solutions to the reader, and it is only when this task has been achieved, can niche consumers be convinced of how the product(s) developed by the Internet Marketer could benefit them, how much it costs to acquire them, etc.
THIS is where SANE-GEN comes into the picture.

SANE-GEN accomplishes (7) by taking the most relevant titles and sentences from the selected content pieces, something Internet Marketers would otherwise do manually and spend days completing the report.

Though the focus of this narrative has been on the creation of "Free Reports", SANE-GEN can also be used for the purposes of quickly creating eBooks for any chosen niche market.
SANE-GEN is undoubtedly the most powerful asset in any Internet Marketer's arsenal of tools, and allows anyone to set the tone for a product launch, by making it extremely fast to produce the PRE-LAUNCH promotional materials.

As of July, 2010, all Internet Time Machine Platinum and Gold Members will have Free Access to SANE-GEN, which is also going up for sale to the public at $499.99 USD per download in the 4th Week of the month.

Your Gold and Platinum membership to The Internet Time Machine also include SANE-GEN software use as well as our in-house email list builder SECPON.
Curt Dalton Founder

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