Friday, April 6, 2018


Lean Trim Diana Here!

Good Morning! It's raining out! Good, we need it. Couldn't go back to sleep so it's time for my morning Mocha Coffee, yum! Sugar in it? NOooooo!  I love the taste and no sugar:)  My products help control my sugar cravings and food cravings so I make better choices.

Why no sugar. Here is what I found out.

Want lasting energy? Less belly fat? Younger-looking skin? Of course you do! Here's all the motivation you need to break up with the sweet stuff.

Kicking a sugar habit is challenging—even for the most strong-willed among us. See, research has found that sugar tricks your brain into wanting more and more of it. But there's good news. A little sweetness is okay—emphasis on little. The American Heart Association recommends no more than six teaspoons of added sugar a day for women. Also okay: the sugar found in whole foods like fruits and veggies, says Kimber Stanhope, PhD, a nutritional biologist at the University of California, Davis. "These naturally occurring sugars come packaged with good-for-you vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients." But if you can dial back your intake of added sugar, she says, you'll start to rack up some amazing health benefits. In fact, the perks of the less-sugar life are so good, we think they'll motivate you to try to cut it (mostly) out.'

If you're ready to win the battle against the sweet stuff, here's a quick look at Body Ecology's top tips to end sugar cravings:
1.      Avoid processed foods. ...
2.      Boost your serotonin. ...
3.      Satisfy your sweet tooth naturally. ...
4.      Drink plenty of water. ...
5.      Keep your blood sugar stable. ...
6.      Have plenty of greens. ...
7.      Eat more sea vegetables.
8.      Enjoy Fermented Foods and Drink.
Kefir. Kefir is a fermented milk product (cow, goat or sheep milk) that tastes like a drinkable yogurt. 
Kombucha. ...
Sauerkraut. ...
Pickles. ...
Miso. ...
Tempeh. ...
Natto. ...

6 Really Good Things That Happen to Your Body When You Quit Sugar:
Get ready for younger-looking skin

Score lasting energy

Say bye-bye to belly fat

Drop pounds faster

Stop worrying about diabetes

Set your ticker up for success

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