Sunday, April 1, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE- My Before and Current After Pictures

Lean Trim Diana Here!
As promised, here are my before and Current after picture(s).

To Recap and Current:
My journey on this wonderful weight loss coffee started in September 2017. My friend, Scott, texted me "Diana, you have to look at this weight loss coffee business"! I told him no. He persisted AND I'M SO HAPPY HE DID. Scott told me all about the fantastic results people were getting because of our great drinks. When he said people were losing weight that really got to me, so I "Jump in and Sign Up" before I even tried our products...The rest is history. I started September 18th drinking 1 cup of our Coffee every morning. Hungry?
"No"! I stopped snacking & sugar cravings were pretty much gone. Lost 4 lbs. then 5 more, then down 13 lbs. and inches. I hit a plateau so for 2 weeks did our "12 in 24" program, loosing inches (scale still saying 13 lbs. lost. Then I did the coffee in am and our new cocoa in afternoon, down another 5 lbs., 18 lbs. total. End of February I added 1 scoop of our new Keto Creamer that turbo charged the fat burning, down 25 lbs. Then for 12 days I did our cleanse and dropped another 2 lbs. In the last 2 weeks, I've more inches and weight loss & my current weight today is 29 lbs. lost & down 3 pant sizes (size 16 to a size 12).  Currently, Am I drink 1 coffee with 1 scoop of Keto Creamer and add just enough of our Cocoa to make my coffee a Mocha! I then wait 1 hr, at least, before I eat. I often find myself eating breakfast/ early lunch about 10:30 - 11:00 am cause I am not hungry. My Mocha coffee is so yummy! Do our products work? ABSOLUTELY!!!

OM Gosh! I am sooooo very happy I did not pass up this opportunity. My results still amaze me every day! And I am helping others get results and get healthier.  Everyone is different & will lose weight faster or slower, but look at my pictures taken, Sept 18th, Sept 30th & Oct. 25th and today 4/1/18 (and this is no April Fools! LOL). I FEEL GREAT! So that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

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