Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: The Truth About PET Cancer Episode 6 Preview with Charlene & Ty Bollinger

Join Ty and Charlene Bollinger LIVE as they give you a sneak preview of what you’ll learn in Episode 6 of The Truth About PET Cancer docu-series: “Healing Herbs, Homeopathy & Other Proven Protocols.” Please consider owning your own copy of The Truth About PET Cancer – so you can watch it again whenever you want Click here to watch Episode 6 FREE and get info on how you can own the whole series When you choose to own the Digital Package or Physical Package you help us to continue our research, interviews, and most importantly, you help us to continue sharing this life-saving information with the world – for free. Please note that when you support our mission to END this devastating pet cancer epidemic, you’re supporting an organization that was built on a foundation of caring and giving. Please consider owning your own copy of The Truth About PET Cancer. Watch it again with your friends and family so they can learn about the treatment options and therapies to prevent and heal cancer in their beloved pets. Info on ordering the DVD's is here Cancer has no mercy. Every year, cancer claims the lives of our mothers… fathers… and friends. And now – this ruthless disease is stealing the lives our beloved animals. It’s sad but true. Each year, over 6 million dogs and 6 million cats are diagnosed with cancer. And millions die as a devastating result. But what if it didn’t have to happen? What if people and pets are tragically dying from cancer, simply because they haven’t heard about treatments that can truly heal them? And if there were simple things you can do that would prevent your pet from getting cancer in the first place. Well, now it’s time for you to discover the Truth about *PET* Cancer. In this groundbreaking 7 episode docu-series – over 30 world-renowned pet health experts will reveal better… safer… and more affordable cancer healing treatment options – that actually ERADICATE cancer for life. And you’ll discover simple prevention therapies (your vet probably doesn’t even know about) that can save the lives of your precious pet babies. You’ll find out everything you need to know in this cutting edge series. Since The Truth About Pet Cancer is 100% FREE to watch – please make sure to share it with your friends, family or any pet lover you know that wants to PROTECT and HEAL their furry pal from cancer, too. Share this link to register for The Truth About PET Cancer: http://bit.ly/ttapc-live-register-yt

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